By Tomi Watanabe
A lot of college students these days use their phones. They often use their phones during breaks, while waiting for a bus, in the library and at home. Many people waste their time using phones. I wasted a lot of time on the YouTube and SNS’s, too. I regarded my bad behave when I failed an examination. I should have stopped using my phone. I would like to argue that college students should read more books.
Reading books have many good points. For example, if you read books, you can build vocabulary. If you built good academic vocabulary, you could write reports easily and able to obtain good grades. You can get a lot of good knowledge. It’s true some online materials offer good information, but printed books are carefully edited and the value of information in printed books is greater. In addition, by reading novels, your imagination improves. You be able to anticipate a variety of things through reading novels. Likewise, by reading some business books, you can get the knowledge what required for your job.
Some people might say that purchasing some books cost, on the other hand, apps on our phone are free to spend the time. Surely, buying books requires money. However, I am convinced vocabulary and knowledge are more than worth the money. Reading books is the easiest way to invest in yourself. In conclusion, college students should read books instead of enjoying SNS’s and video sharing. Reading books help you to live a better life. Why don’t you should set yourself apart from phones.

Benefits of Reading Books for College Students
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