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Posts published in “Current Issues”

How to Improve English Education in Japan

By Arisa Mishima
     Japanese students study English for more than six years, but they are not fluent in speaking. What should be changed so that many Japanese people can speak English? In this essay I would like to propose three ideas: focus on the speaking skill, encouragement of making mistakes, and building more vovabulary.

     First, the Japanese English education should focus on the speaking sill. Currently, students learn a lot of skills other than speaking. In English class, students read stories in textbooks, and they learn new words and new grammar points. Reading is considered as the most important skill for the university entrance exam, so students read a lot of stories and learn reading skills. Students also write a lot of sentences and acquire writing skills. Moreover, students listen to the audio of the textbook and learn listening skills. However, there is not much time to speak English in class. Students have reading aloud and shadowing for improving their speaking skills, but they do not really talk in English to express their ideas.
     Second, students should be taught that making mistakes are good. Currently, students are told to master English grammar, so they are afraid of making mistakes. When they make mistakes in English tests, their points are deducted. When they try to speak, they try to speak correctly. Students hesitate to speak up because they think it’s embarrassing to make a mistake. It’s normal to make mistakes when they use a new language, so they should be told to communicate ideas is the most important thing.      Third, students should learn more vocabulary. Students have some listening skills, so they can understand what other people are talking about. However, they can’t put their ideas into words. One of the reasons for this is that students have a small vocabulary. If students know a lot of words, they can express their ideas no matter how simple of grammar they can use.
     In conclusion, many Japanese students can understand English, but they are not good at expressing their ideas because they don’t have enough speaking activities. Too much focus on grammar, fear of making mistakes, and lack of vocabulary are the causes of their inability to speak. If these issues are solved, Japanese people will be able to speak more English.

Two Ways to Solve Insomnia

By Hinano Saigo
     Do you touch your cell phone before going to bed, because you cannot sleep well? Many people suffer from insomnia these days. If people do not sleep well, they cannot only concentrate on work or study during the day. Fortunately, there are some ways to improve insomnia.

     The issue of insomnia has gained attention over the last few years. It is well known that insomnia causes negative effects such as the inability to concentrate. When concentration decreases, the quality of work decreases, which is negative to both the individuals and organizations. Gradually, problems begin to appear in the body and eventually have a bad effect on the body and mind. Symptoms such as fatigue and dizziness appear, and lead to low motivation. At worst, you might lose control of your emotions and develop depression.
     One way to relieve insomnia is to exercise during the day. Exercising such as jogging and swimming is one of the treatments for insomnia. Exercise increases the heart rate and raises the body temperature. The warmer body temperature has the effect of relaxing the body. Relaxed muscle improves the quality of sleep. In addition, you will feel sleepy at night because of the fatigue from the exercise. It is expected that you will fall asleep naturally through exercise.
     Creating a bedtime routine is another solution. Bedtime routines establish habits that help our brains recognize when it is time to sleep. Some people put their favorite perfume on their pillows before going to bed. It seems that they can sleep soundly by virtue of the perfume. Listening to music while darkening the room is also effective. Any genre of music is fine, so try to find music that makes it easy for you to fall asleep.      These methods are good ways to relieve insomnia. There are many people who cannot sleep and are not physically and mentally healthy. However, they can solve insomnia. Exercising and making routines are free and easy. People suffering from insomnia should try these methods.

Ways to Tackle Aging Population of Rural Areas of Japan 

By Saki Tanaka 
     Shimane Prefecture is one of the areas that is decreasing an aging population. The birth rate in Shimane is on the decline. Young people in Shimane tend to move to urban areas when they go to college or get a job. Those who got jobs in urban areas continue to work and live there and they do not come back to their hometowns. This trend causes the population and economic declines of Shimane. I think there are two ways to solve such problems.
     First of all, let’s think about why young people move to cities. In general, jobs in the city have higher wages and a variety of occupations, so teenagers and twenties who are going to work or go to college think that urban areas are attractive places. In addition, it is thought that smart people who have excellent skills tend to go to cities such as Tokyo. I think those people think that working in the city is better than working in the countryside because they can demonstrate their own abilities. It can’t be helped for them to go to the city once to go on to higher education or get a job, but eventually a lot of people of  Shimane Prefecture want their young people to come back to Shimane Prefecture again.
     One way to prevent population outflows to urban areas is increasing wages. Companies in Shimane should try to raise wages. There are a lot of people who go to urban places to get high wages. Many people judge that if wages are low, they can’t support their children. It is important to raise wages so that everyone can have decent wages so that they can have families.  

Another way is to create a good environment for raising children. In order to do that, it is necessary to enhance childcare services so that parents with children can work, and to create a place where they can go to play on weekends such as parks. Many parents are grateful to be able to receive support from a community and the company that they work for in raising children. In my hometown, Oda City in Shimane Prefecture, children during the compulsory education period, who are elementary school and junior high school students, can receive reduced medical expenses. In some cases, medical expenses may be free. So many parents will be very helped because the burden is less.
     The problem of local population decline is serious. In order to prevent further problems from becoming more serious, I think these solutions should be implemented. It is important to improve the workplace environment in Shimane Prefecture. Local companies inform young people that the wages are high and encourage them to work in rural areas such as Shimane Prefecture. After young people start working in Shimane, it is required to create an environment where it is easy to raise children to build a family there. Then people who want ease of living will gather. I’m looking forward to the future in Shimane.

Serious Trash Problem on the Beach 

By Tomoki Fujii 
     Nowadays, trash on the beach is getting more serious around the world. Trash on the beach mainly contain plastic products. According to the study by National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), 8 million metric tons of plastic trash harm marine animals and ecosystems. The cause of this phenomenon is said to be human activity. In fact, throwing away trash and the development on the coast pollutes the beach, and these human activities sometimes cause death of wild animals like seabirds and sea turtles. This means that trash on the beach trouble not only humans but ecosystems. Despite this serious situation, there are still certain ways for people to solve the problem of trash on the beach.
     As stated previously, trash on the beach affects not only humans but wild animals. However, wild animals may face more serious problems than humans. That’s because they sometimes eat trash like plastic products by mistake. They also get caught on trash. These incidents result in death of them. Despite these facts, there are some people who don’t stop throwing away trash, and much trash on the beach doesn’t decrease at all. People need to understand these situations because it is too late when things get bad. In addition, they must consider what they can do to solve the problem of trash on the beach. Then what should they do to deal with the problem? To answer this question, the following must be helpful.
     One way that people reduce trash on the beach is to set up a trash box in every beach. One of the reasons why some people throw away trash is that there are not enough trash boxes on the beach. As you know, there are some signs that tells people not to throw away trash on the beach. However, at the same time, you may notice that there is not enough trash box on the beach. This means that people who come to the beach should bring back their trash. Although this is quite natural for people, but it needs to be considered that there are some people who don’t obey instruction of the sign. That’s why it is necessary to install enough trash boxes on the beach.
     A weekly clean-up event is another possible solution. As you already know, there are many events everywhere to clean up the beach. For example, the article of The Government of Japan says that a woman in Hokuriku region, Japan, leads her team who positively engage clean up the beach once a month. However, almost all of them take place yearly or monthly. It means that few clean-up events take place weekly.  The more frequently people clean up the beach, the more trash on the beach certainly decreases. It is natural and implies that more frequent opportunities to clean up the beach is important. In addition, the other ways play an important role to increase participants in such events.
     To reduce a large quantity of trash on the beach, installing trash boxes on every beach and weekly clean-up events are valid solutions. In addition, you must remember the fact again that almost all of trash on the beach relate to humans and destroy ecosystems. These things certainly bring a big change to the environment.

K-POP Stars Should be Allowed to Date their Fans

By Sera Oka

Some people say that K-POP stars should not date their fans. However, I agree with the opinion, “K-POP stars should be allowed to date their fans.” This essay will explain why I think so in the following three reasons: K-POP stars have the right to date with the person they like just like as ordinary people, K-POP stars have the right to have their families, and even if K-POP stars go on a date with their fans, people can continue to be a fan of them all the time.
        First, K-POP stars have the right to date with the person they like just like as ordinary people. Today, as a current situation, every time a passionate report about them comes out, criticism and badmouthing for them are constantly criticized. Especially, when a passionate report with their fans comes out, criticism is increasing more. However, it’s not necessary to come out such a passionate report every time, or to criticize it. The reason is that because there is no rule that K-POP stars should not date with their fans and they are also one person, so it is natural to fall in love with someone. So, K-POP stars have the right to date with the person they like just like as ordinary people.
        Second, K-POP stars have the right to have their families. There is no rule that K-pop stars should not get married and create a family, and regardless of whether the marriage partner is their fan or not, they should marry the person they like and create a family. According to a doctor at one hospital, although there are individual differences, the age at the limit of pregnancy is about 45 years old, so especially if women want to have a child, they must not miss the period when they can get pregnant and give birth to a child. They decide how they will spend their lives themselves, so it is important for them to live without regrets. So, K-POP stars have the right to have their families. 
        Third, even if K-POP stars go on a date with their fans, people can continue to be a fan of them all the time. A fan of a K-POP stars said, “If my favorite idol dates a fan, or if he gets married, he only thinks about her, not for his fans including me, he will be the one I don’t know.” However, just because they dated with their fans doesn’t change their personality. In addition, there is a no rule that they must quit their fans at that time just because they dated with their fans. So even if they date with their fans, they can do so all the time if people want to stay as their fans.
        Today, when K-pop stars go on a date with fans, there are passionate reports, criticism and badmouthing, but there is no rule that they should not go out with their fans, and they are also one person, so it’s natural to fall in love with someone.  Also, regardless of whether the marriage partner is their fan or not, there is no rule that K-pop stars should not get married and make a family, and women have a limited period to get pregnant and have children, and above all, their lives They should decide for themselves and live without regrets. And just because they dated with their fans doesn’t change their personality, and there is no rule that if they date with their fans, they must quit being fans, so if people want, they are able to stay as fan of them all the time. For these reasons, I agree with the opinion, “K-POP stars should be allowed to date their fans.” 

Dating Celebrities

By Airi Endo

        I believe that K-Pop stars should be allowed to date their fans. In recent years, Korean idols have become more popular not only in Korea but also all over the world. Especially, the Korean idol group “BTS” is the most famous idol groups in the world. A passionate love of very popular stars like them is always big news. And the news is divided into two arguments, one agreeing with it and one disagreeing with it. Now, I would like to mention three agreeable opinions: K-pop stars have the right to date whoever they like, fans dating K-pop stars gives hope to other fans, and their fans feel happiness.
        First of all, like regular people, K-pop stars also have the right to date someone they like. Some people often say, “K-Pop stars ought not to date their fans because they are idols. K-Pop stars belong to everyone. They don’t belong to one person.” Or others will be against it because they think K-pop stars lose their values as an idol. However, I don’t think so. I think K-pop stars also have equal rights. It is important for all people to date someone they really like. If K-Pop stars and their fans love each other, dating their fans should be allowed. Also, a lot of people may be sad if people find out that K-Pop stars are dating their fans. But I don’t think I’m sad. I would be glad to hear that if they looked happy. That’s why people should support K-pop stars’ right to have a relationship.
        Second, if fans are dating K-Pop stars, they can give hope to other fans. In general, idols and their fans rarely have a chance to date. Nevertheless, if K-Pop stars and their fans are dating, they can give dreams to many people. For example, a lot of people will be able to expect that they might have a chance to date one of the most famous stars. This situation makes many fans happy. Also, K-Pop stars will be able to go on public dates. I think everyone will be happy and hopeful if this happens.
Third, the happiness of the K-pop stars is the happiness of their fans. A lot of fans share their hearts with their favorite stars. So, if the favorite stars feel sad, their fans also feel sad. If the stars feel happy, their fans also feel happy. Also, many fans think of stars’ happiness first. So, even if they are dating a regular person, fans think there is no problem. The reason why is that their favorite star seems to be happy, so they are happy.
        Celebrity dating is always very restrictive. However, even celebrities can date people they like. It can also give hope to other fans, and stars’ happiness makes their fans happy. These are some of the benefits. For these reasons, I think that K-Pop stars ought to be allowed to date their fans.

Good Reasons for Students to Wear Uniforms

By Mikono Motomori

In Japan, most students wear school uniforms. Japanese school uniforms have a history of over 120 years, so there are a lot of types of school uniforms in Japan. Recently, the number of schools which don’t have school uniforms has increased because of diversity. However, students should be required to wear uniforms in school from the three perspectives of responsibility of students, convenience for students and reducing economic burden for students.
        First, school uniforms play a role to discourage students from crime. People can judge students whether they are junior high school students or high school students and what schools they are from by their school uniforms. Therefore, students can’t do any bad things when they are on their way home and students begin to take more responsibility for their actions. In addition, it is unlikely that they could get involved in some trouble because school uniforms stand out. If there is a student wearing school uniform and the student seems to be doing suspicious behavior or to be talking to suspicious person, local people will help the student and call the police. School uniforms can be a prevention of crime.
Second, it is convenient to wear certain outfits. Students go to school almost every day and they have to go to school early, so it is so hard for them to choose their outfits every morning. According to the company which sells school uniforms, to the question of what are good points of school uniforms, 75.4 percent of people said, “We don’t have to decide what to wear every morning.” So, if there are certain outfits to go to school, they don’t have to worry about their outfits every morning and they don’t waste time. In addition, school uniforms are formal wear in Japan, so students can go to any formal event, from weddings to funerals. If there aren’t school uniforms, people have to buy or rent new clothes for every event, so it is so useful for students wearing their school uniforms to be able to attend all formal events in Japan.
Third, school uniforms can reduce economic burden for students. For Japanese students, especially, junior high and high school students, both school uniforms and casual clothes are the same things. Students hang out with their friends, go to eat dinner with their family, go shopping and go to cram schools with their school uniforms after school. There is not much time to change their school uniforms to casual clothes in weekday, So, there is not much time to spend money on their clothes, either. And also, students can use their older brother’s and sister’s hand-me-downs. One of the good points to wear the same clothes is the time and money saving.
In conclusion, there are many good reasons for students to wear school uniforms. There is a lower possibility that students could get involved in trouble, they don’t have to worry about what to wear, and they don’t waste money. Therefore, students should wear school uniforms. 

Positive Aspects of School Uniforms

By Mai Takeshita

In Japan, many schools require students to wear school uniforms. However, there are both positive and negative opinions about wearing school uniforms. These opinions are different from region, adults, and students. In my opinion, I agree with the opinion, “Students should be required to wear uniforms in school.” The following are three reasons why I think so.
        Firstly, school uniforms can give students fairness. In school, each student has a different background in their home. Some students’ homes have money enough to buy a lot of clothes for private use. On the other hand, some other students’ homes don’t have enough money to buy variety of clothes. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, one-seventh of Japanese children are facing poverty. The rate of poverty in Japan is one of the worst countries in OECD signatories. If students are required to wear regular clothes in their school, there will be a difference, and some students might feel uncomfortable with the difference. But wearing school uniforms will enable the difference to be smaller. Basically, school uniforms are not expensive, and they are designed simply. According to a statistic by the Japanese government in 2021, the average cost of a female school uniform was about thirty thousand yen. It seems to be expensive, but these uniforms can be worn every year. On the other hand, if students wear regular clothes to schools, they will need many clothes. University students wear regular clothes, and the average of their clothes is said from ten to thirty thousand yen every season. What is more, many students buy their new clothes every year. Comparing these total costs, school uniforms are much cheaper. In terms of fairness, a school uniform is better because students won’t feel uncomfortable with the difference of the appearances by the quality of clothes.
        Secondly, school uniforms make students have group consciousness. Wearing uniforms enables the students have group consciousness, and encourages them not to have bad behaviors in society. Additionally, people can recognize which school the student belongs to. As my experience, when I was in first grade in senior high school, one of my friends was going to ignore a red light and cross a pedestrian crossing. But I stopped him from doing that, saying “You are wearing the uniform.” If people saw what my friend were to do, and called our school, he/she would say students of our school were going to ignore the red light. Teachers would not feel comfortable with the call. Wearing uniforms makes people to be aware of their group, and act as a member of the group. Additionally, wearing uniforms will make people to have group psychology. My-Navi, a job finding support site, explains group psychology has anonymity, emotion, and illusion that the people have big power. If a student wearing uniform behave badly, the information will spread as the information of entire school the student belongs to.
        Thirdly, school uniforms can be worn by only students. According to Gaccom (a site provides information about elementary, junior high and senior high schools in Japan, also provides community that guardians can interact with), only 20 percent of elementary schools adopt school uniforms. However, 97 percent of junior high schools require their students to wear uniforms. Also, many senior high schools adopt school uniforms. Many of students wear school uniforms for six years. If they enter universities or start working, they no longer need to wear school uniforms. University students basically wear regular clothes, and workers wear work clothes. Yasuda Women’s University, Keio University, Waseda University, etc., many universities have their uniforms, but they don’t require students to wear the uniforms in usual class days. In some work places, employees need to wear work clothes or suits to indicate cleanliness and grooming. In some other work places, employees are not required to wear work clothes or suits. It depends on the policy of the company and working style. Thus, after graduating from high schools, people no longer have opportunity to wear school uniforms. School uniform is one of the privileges for students.
        The reasons above are only a small sample of the good points of wearing school uniforms. First, I explained about fairness that school uniforms have. School uniforms don’t cost so much as regular clothes. Second, I explained about group consciousness that school uniforms have. School uniforms can make students to consider what action they should do or should not do as the students of school. Third, I explained the specialness of wearing school uniforms while students. People no longer wear school uniforms after graduating from high school in Japan. It is only 12 years that people can wear them. For these reasons, I agree with the opinion “Students should be required to wear uniforms in school.”

School Uniforms are a Japanese culture

By Taiki Kimura

Some people say that student should not wear their school uniform, but this idea is false. Student should wear uniforms. According to an old uniform company in Japan, the men’s uniform was introduced into the Gakushuin in Japan in 1879, and the women’s uniform later in 1885. Therefore, the uniform has a history of more than 100 years. Uniforms originally symbolized clothing for the rich and poor, and many people learning the same things in the same place. So, uniform has long history, is cost-effective, and encourages good behavior. Hence, student should wear uniforms. 
        First, the uniform has a long history. As per the previous paragraph, the uniform in Japan was first     worn in 1879, and it has been about 130 years since the first uniform was worn in Japan. Over the past 130 years, the design of uniforms has changed dramatically, and different schools now have different designs. For example, different schools have different button designs and shades, and some schools wear ties while others do not. According the NHK news, in recent years, an increasing number of schools have taken genderless uniforms into consideration, and some have adopted uniforms that can be worn by both men and women. Therefore, the uniform has changed with the time and it is important for Japanese traditional culture. 
        Second, the uniform is very useful for saving money. By simply buying uniforms, students and student’s parents will not have to buy a lot of clothes to wear to school. According to a survey by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the average total cost of one year of elementary school study is approximately 321,000 yen for public schools and 1.6 million yen for private schools, with private schools costing approximately five times more than public schools.  Therefore, school is expensive, but buying uniforms saves money because it eliminates the need to buy clothes to wear to school. Also, since they do not buy large quantities of clothes, they do not have to throw them away, which is good for the environment. The above factors indicate that use of uniforms saves money and has a positive impact on the environment.
        Third, Uniforms can give students a variety of attitudes. For example, a sense of belonging to the school and therefore not being able to misbehave. If students do something wrong while wearing the uniform, it’s bad for the school, and vice versa. According to a survey of students, they said that wearing a uniform helps them to establish a line between their public and private lives. So, students are affected in many positive ways by the uniform.
        All of this shows that it is better to wear uniforms. If we stop wearing uniforms, we will lose the long culture we have in Japan, it will cost more money than necessary, and students will have bad behavior. We need to carry on our culture and wear uniforms for our own sake. Uniforms have many advantages, which is why it is better to wear uniforms. 

Three Benefits of School Uniforms

By Hazuki Kajiume

A topic that has been frequently debuted in recent years is whether students should go to school in uniforms of in private clothes. My position on this matter is that students should be required to wear uniforms in school. According to Kojien, a Japanese dictionary, uniforms are clothes that are designated to be worn by people belonging to a certain group. The advantages of wearing a uniform are economical, practical, and social.

First, uniforms are economical. According to the Kanko school uniforms company’s survey, some people say that uniforms are economical because people can reduce the amount of spending money for private clothes. The answer that school uniforms were economical was mainly from the parents of the students. If the school doesn’t have a uniform, students must wear private clothes to school every day. In that case, students will have to buy a lot of private clothes. By going to school in uniform, people can save money on clothes. Also, this is not good in terms of the environment either. In evidence of that the Ministry of the Environment says that buying less clothes will reduce the burden on the environment. A healthy environment is important to the economy on a large scale, while saving money is good for personal economy.

 Second, students don’t have to care about school clothes by wearing a uniform. This is the most popular answer given by people in the same company’s survey above as an advantage of wearing school uniforms. Surprisingly, about 80 percent of respondents answered so in the survey. Some of the respondents said it was useless to spend time choosing clothes. Wearing school uniforms saves students time thinking about what to wear to school. In addition, uniforms are equal because clothing is not different from person to person. It is true that some people say that equality makes it difficult to show individuality in the questionnaire, but students should show their personality outside of their appearance, such as study, exercise, and social life. Requiring uniforms reduces mental pressure on young students with many other things to manage.

Finally, students can increase a sense of belonging. According to the dictionary, uniforms have the function of expressing the character of a certain group or group, and the purpose is to raise a sense of solidarity within the group and to specify occupations, classes, and roles externally. This is exactly the advantage of school. Uniforms vary from school to school, so people can know which school a student is from by looking at the students in uniform. This helps to identify which students attend which school. In addition, uniforms give a sense of unity. If students have a sense of belonging, a sense of unity is created in school. And if a sense of unity is created in school, students can spend a fulfilling school life. 

As explained above, there are many benefits to students wearing uniforms in school, such as families can save money on clothing while saving the environment, students can save time on outfit planning, students can feel a sense of belonging at school and in society. Although not everyone prefers uniforms, they are important, useful, and encourage social harmony. Therefore, students should be required to wear uniforms in school. 

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