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Posts published in “Japan”

 Is The Death Penalty a Just Punishment?

By Hazuki Kajiume

Is the death penalty a just punishment? The answer to this question is divided. However, the death penalty has more demerits than merits. The following is a discussion of the problems of capital punishment.
The first problem is that the death penalty can cause irreparable human rights violations by misjudgment. Since criminal trials are conducted by human beings, it is impossible to eliminate the possibility of misjudgment. The death penalty is life threatening and should never be executed by misjudgment. According to public opinion polls by the Ministry of Justice in Japan (2020), the most common reason for demanding the abolition was the opinion that “if there is a mistake in the trial, it cannot be withdrawn.” Therefore, the death penalty is irreversible once it is executed, so the death penalty should be abolished as there is a possibility of misjudgment in the trial.
The Second is that the existence of the death penalty affects treaties with other countries. According to Amnesty International, 142 of the world’s 198 countries have abolished the death penalty in law and practice, 56 have retained the death penalty. Of these only 20 countries, including Japan, carry out executions. Of the 36 OECD member countries, only the United States and Japan carried out executions in 2019, but the number of states that abolished or suspended executions in the Unites States is increasing year by year. Abolishment of the death penalty is now an international trend. According to the same article, the existence of the death penalty is an obstacle to concluding treaties with countries that have abolished the death penalty. In fact, Japan has concluded extradition treaties only in two countries, the United States and South Korea, where the death penalty exists. Since few countries maintain the death penalty, succession to the death penalty affects exchanges with other countries.
The Final problem is that the death penalty is killing people. The death penalty allows the law to take the live of a person, which is an inhumane and grave violation of human rights. All people have the right to live. This right to live is the fundamental and most important right of human beings and should never be taken away. Also, this right is specified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which stipulates the prohibition of torture and cruel punishment by public officials, but the death penalty violates this clause. The Supreme Court ruling in 1948 ruled that the death penalty was not a cruel punishment, but now that times are changing and the death penalty must be reviewed again, because the way of thinking and social trends are different between the times when there was war and today. Therefore, even a nation cannot be allowed to kill people.
As mentioned above, the death penalty has many bad aspects. From the perspective of public opinion, the world, and the Constitution, the death penalty is not very good. It is necessary to reconsider whether capital punishment is indispensable.

Three Reasons that Japanese Have Poor English Ability 

By Honoka Akazawa

  Can you fluently communicate in English with native speakers of English ? A lot of university students in Japan have an aversion to speaking English. According to the study by Tang & Ohashi, “66% university students in Japan said that the were not good at speaking English.” The necessity of speaking English will increase in the future. However, a lot of Japanese don’t speak English well, much less office workers don’t have time studying English. Why are not Japanese people good at speaking English? I would like to present three reasons why Japanese cannot speak English well; studying English for university entrance exams, cultural barrier to speak English, and having less chances speaking English.
Firstly, most Japanese people have a recognition that studying English is for university entrance exams. This way of thinking is affected by English education in Japan. Japanese students take English classes to improve skills reading and writing. They don’t have English classes for practicing speaking and pronunciation. According to a study by Sugiura (2017), “some students who left an impression what classes focused on language format said that they don’t have sense of using English by themselves. So, we can understand they are passive that they studied English for their tests.” Then even though students in Japan take English classes for six years, most people don’t speak English well. This is a fact in Japan. We need English classes that teach, listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Secondly, modesty in Japanese culture discourages Japanese people to speak up in front of English speakers. Tang & Ohashi point out that “Taking a passive role in the daily communications in Japanese seems to be a major problem for difficulty of cross-cultural communications in English.” Japanese feel that making a mistake is embarrassing. A lot of Japanese people are afraid of making mistakes. This is a Japanese culture, a culture of shame. According to Tang & Ohashi, “Japanese people are aware of what other people think about us and how other people react, and act to avoid being ridiculed by other people.” This culture of shame has a bad influence on speaking English. Therefore, people make neat an atmosphere that discourage speaking wrong English. They care about more correctness of grammar than communication.
Thirdly, Japanese don’t have a chance to speak English with other people. Since Japanese people do not experience speaking English enough they can’t have confidence about their English. And they don’t feel necessity of using English. I think that is because of an island country. If Japan connected by land, Japanese have more chance talking in English to people who speak English.
For these reasons, most Japanese can’t speak English. I think that Japanese English learners should change how to study English.

Huanu, T. & Makoto, O.  , A study on different communication-consideration-Focusing on the culture of “shame” and “emotional dependence.” Qingdao Language School of Science and Technology, and Tokushima University School of Education. rsr_8_1.pdf 
Rie, S. (2017), English Language Learning of Japanese University Students-A Qualitative Investigation based on Narrative Frames- J. Higher Education, Tokai University (Hokkaido Campus) jheTmplt2010 (
Takunori, T. (2021, October), Frequency of Japanese Workers Using English-Based on Web-Panel Questionnaires- Kwansei Gakuin University Repository. 8.pdf

Japanese English educational problems 

By Ryota Kagehira

Japanese English learners have the lowest speaking score of TOEFL in the world. This is shocking. TOEFL’s the speaking score of the Japanese test takers is only 17 points, which is the lowest speaking score in the world. Why are Japanese English learners cannot speak English?
         Firstly, the curriculum of Japanese English education does not teach English pronunciation. The number of consonants and vowels in Japanese is far fewer than that of English, so it is necessary to teach pronunciation of English consonants and vowels. However, most Japanese people do not learn English pronunciation. So, Japanese people cannot pronounce English sounds correctly and do not have confidence when they speak English. In this situation, they are afraid of making mistakes.

         Secondly, English education does not provide enough speaking time for students. According to Kenzo Tokunaga, a survey for 12 thousand public Junior highs and 38 hundred public high schools by MEXT showed data about English classes. Some schools answered that the English class is using English mostly. The first year in Junior high is 3.9%, the second year is 3.7%, the third year is 4%, and high school is only 1,1%. As you know, it is said that Japanese students do not have the opportunity to speak English in a foreign language class. Also, conversation between students and teachers is spoken in Japanese. For this reason, a lot of Japanese students cannot speak English.  
           There are two problems with Japanese English education lack of pronunciation instruction and speaking time. If these problems of Japanese English education are solved, Japanese people will be able to speak English better.

Problems in English Education of Japan 

By Nao Yasutake

Do you think English education system in Japan have effects on improving student’s English-speaking abilities? Generally, Japanese people take English classes for more than 6 years at the school. If people spend time to study English more than 6 years, it seems that people can speak English fluently. However, practically most Japanese people who have learned English at school can’t communicate well in English. It means Japanese English education system has failed to develop English speaking ability. There are three reasons for the lack of English-speaking abilities of Japanese English learners.
        English education system doesn’t provide enough time to practice speaking for students. Usually, English teachers spend most of time to teach English grammar and vocabulary for students at the lectures. Sometimes students have time to read aloud English textbooks during class, but the time to practice speaking English is overwhelmingly not enough in current Japanese English education. Sugita (2021) showed that only 10% of students answered that improving communication skill was most focused in their high school English education, and 20% of students answered improving all four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing were focused on high school English class. This survey results shows that only 30% of students felt they spent time to improve their speaking skills in English classes.
        English teachers use Japanese when they gave English lectures in Japan. Therefore, students have more time to listen Japanese than listen to English during English class. Traditionally, Japanese English education gives “Grammar Translation Method” for students. It is s study method that teachers instruct English grammar and vocabulary in Japanese, and students translate English sentences to Japanese. This teaching method has disadvantage to develop student’s English communication skills. According to Tajima (2013), “The problem is student can’t cultivate their abilities of listening and speaking English, because students  and concentrate on Japanese”. As I mentioned before, students learn English grammar and vocabulary in Japanese, so they end up thinking in Japanese in their brains when they communicate with English speakers. This is one of a bad habit which disturb to communicate smoothly in English. 
         Japanese English education doesn’t teach enough English vocabulary for students. It causes the problem that Japanese can’t communicate in English even they learn English for many years at school. Japanese people learn basic 800 English words at junior high school, and they learn advanced vocabulary at high school. The reason why high school English education suddenly teach difficult vocabulary because students are required understanding advanced long sentences in English in college entrance examinations. Inoue (2004) suggests that, vocabulary of Japanese English learners lack between basic 800 words and advanced vocabulary for college entrance examinations. Therefore, they don’t have most important daily conversation vocabulary (p.232). English education system doesn’t teach daily language for students, so Japanese people don’t have English speaking ability.
        There are three problems of Japanese English education system in terms of limited time to practice speaking English, the language of lecture, and the lack of English vocabulary. Current Japanese English education system isn’t organized to develop student’s speaking English abilities. Therefore, current English education system in Japan have to change the contents of the English lectures to raise students who can be active in global society in the future.

Sugita, Y. (2021). “Hanasukoto”no gijutsu kojoni tsunagaru kokoeigozyugyono arikata:
Kokoeigo zyugyoni kansuru daigakusei taisyono sitsumon chosano kakkakara [The best high school English class that promote the skills of “speaking”: Results of a survey of the high school English classes by college students]. JACET KANTO Journal, 9, 5-24

Tajima, H. (2013). “Eigode eigowo osierukoto”ni kansuru kenkyu [Regarding the survey of “teaching English in English”]. Teikyo University Department of Education Bulletin, 1, 77-85

Inoue, K. (2004). Tsukau tameno daigaku zyuken eigo [English of university entrance examination to use practically]. Chikuma Bookstore 

The Impact of Social Media on Long Distance Romantic Relationships 

By Karua Ono

Have you ever missed your lover in a long distance romantic relationship? During a long distance romantic relationship, it is difficult to due to the physical distance. However, all couples in long distance relationships can talk face-to-face at any time thanks to social media. Couples can fill their own lonely hearts and share their feelings or current situations by using social media. In the following essay, there are three examples about the impact of social media on long-distance romantic relationships. 
        Couples can share the same time even if their phsical distance are far by using social media. Thanks to the progress of technology, we can send messages easily and quickly  because there are many social media sites such as LINE, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. According to a report by Morgan (2020), “communication is a great tool for combating relational issues in long-distance romantic relationships” (p. 2). By talking to their partners about funny or sad events of the day on the LINE every day, couples can relieve their loneliness of not being able to meet face to face and it can avoid conflict between them.
         On social media such as spotify, couples can share favorite pictures, funny videos and music. For example, we can make own playlist and share it to the other person by using sites like Spotify. By listening to the same music, we can feel connected with partner.  According to a report by Morgan (2020), the impact of sending songs are “1) we just heard and really like and need to share 2) remind us of one another; a form of romance or intimacy 3) communicate in a way we can’t always put into words.” (p. 10). Also, according to the same report, sharing humorous content like sending funny videos and pictures is important to maintain a long distance romantic relationship (p. 9).
        The most important role that social media play a big role is couples can talk watching face each other in real time via video call. It is almost the same as speaking directly, they can feel like partner is in the same place. We can notice that changes of partners hair, make up, and facial expression. If there are no video call like Skype or Zoom in the world, long distance romantic relationship couples may forget partner’s smile or facial features. 
        In conclusion, the impact of social media on long distance romantic relationship couple is very big without social media ,it would be difficult to keep a long distance relationship. However, the functions like messages, sharing music and video call make it possible to keep in touch.

The Effect of Social Media on Students Life Decisions

By Tomoka Izumi

Do you know that social media have a big influence on your life decisions? Now that social media are part of the life of young people, they have a big impact when they make major decisions in your life, such as going to college or getting a job.
    Social media refer to blogs, social networking services such as Facebook and Twitter, video sharing sites such as YouTube, messaging apps such as LINE and other media in which users transmit and share information. Social media are characterized by the various mechanisms that promote connections among users and allow them to visually understand each other’s relationships. And social media has become an important part of the use of the Internet since the 2000s.
   Social media has influence on students when they enter college. Students who want to go to university in the future must first gather information about what kind of university they want to go to. And then using social media can help students. Many universities have an official Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. And there are posts about university events and student life. Then, prospective students can follow such accounts and see the social networking posts to find out what kind of university they are aiming for. Thus, social media can be very helpful for students who want to gather as much information as possible about the schools they are interested in.
  Social media can also help students find jobs. Orido and Murata (2012) state that in recent years, the use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter has attracted attention. They also noted that job-seeking students also try to appeal to prospective employers by disseminating information of themselves. In this way, social media are very useful for students not only to know information about companies, but also promoting their own information. And according to Orito and Murata (2012) social media also allow students to exchange information with each other and with alumni and alumnae. It is reassuring to be able to exchange opinions and information with other students who are seeking employment, and it can also improve motivation for job-hunting activities. Also, by talking directly with alumni and alumnae, students may be able to hear information that will help they find a job.
      To summarize, using social media in this way has several positive impacts for students seeking for information of colleges employment. How about using social media to help you make big life decisions too.

Orito, Y. & Murata, K. (2012). Job hunting using social media and its influence over the construction of digital identity. 2012 Fall National Research and Presentation Conference, 291-294.
     Ministry of Internal affairs and communications. (2017). Changes brought about by the proliferation of social media.

The Idioms that Changed Me

By Minori Tanaka

When I was first in my year of high school, I did not do my assignments every time and I did not listen to class. After I finished club, I always went to karaoke or played around station with my friends until midnight. Every time I went home at midnight, my mother scolded me. When I think about it now, I was a very stupid student. But one day of my second year of high school, when I went to the library in the high school, I saw a book. The book is written about two idioms. These idioms become changing me, because it changed my behaviors in high school, motivated me in different situations, and helps me to inspire others.
     “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”.  This idiom means that no matter how difficult the road, if you have the will to do it, you will be able to open it. This idiom resonated with me. When I saw this idiom, I thought about myself. I ought, “My lifestyle is so very shameful. I can’t go to university as I am now.” At that time, I went to English school. So, I started thinking that I wanted to go to university, and then I wanted to study English. This incident was a miracle.
     “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it”.
When I felt painful, I saw this idiom every time. Sometimes, I was criticized by the teacher. The teacher often told me “You cannot pass the university, because you are stupid. But I remembered this idiom and did my best. I get encouraged when I see this idiom. 
     Finally, I passed this university in March. Now, I do many assignments very hard every time. Also, I advise high school juniors to study for entrance exam. In addition, I try everything that I want to do. The person that I was four years ago and the person that I am now are very different person. Recently, there are some people who not confident in themselves. Even if they want to do it, some people think that they can’t, and eventually they give up. Me too. Originally, I was a person who gave up every time. I might be able to do it, but I always gave up. However, if people have a strong will, it should be surely come true. “Action is the foundational key to all success”. All action is no waste.
     I never thought that some idioms would change my life so much. If people feel painful, they may want to look up some idioms. They make people relaxed and positive. I changed my life by finding two idioms that “Where there’s a will, there’s a way” and “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it”. No one people can’t do it. If people have will, they can do anything. If I had not come across these idioms, I would not be there now.  Now I am thankful that I have come across these idioms.

Gender Inequality in Japan

By Mana Kawabe

Recently, discrimination between men and women both heterosexual LGBTQ people is a problem. It is gender inequality. There are two main issues for gender inequality in Japan: women’s social roles and acceptance of LGBTQ people but reasonable solutions are possible. 

First, nowadays, there are a lot of households in which partner work all over the world. Currently, “women’s success” is also the core of Japan’s growth strategy, but the number of double income couples is increasing due to the success of women, and men’s participation in household chores is also attracting attention. In Japan, usually women do housework and childcare. A lot of men think housework and childcare are women’s work. As a result, women’s burden is heavy. As a result, some people don’t want to get married because the participation rate of housework and childcare is low it puts a burden on them. In addition, since the number of double-income households increasing and the participation rate of households in housework and childcare is low, priority is given to work and there is no time to spend on childcare, so the birthrate is declining. Especially in Japan, it is not possible to balance work and housework. Linnai Company, Limited is trying to find out the domestic affairs of double income couples in the world, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Germany. As a result, it turns out that Japan tends to have less time for housework and couples than other countries, and it is not possible to balance work and housework well. In terms of work, Japan has the longest time, 9.19 hours a day. It turns out that Japan has the shortest time for couples, 1.31 hours, compared to other countries. It was also revealed that the country with the largest number of people who do not share housework

Second, people in the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning) community face discrimination. Recently, such people are increasing all over the world. And it is changing to the idea that it is natural. But, after all, there are many people who cannot easily accept it. For example, there are many people in the world who are men but want to wear women’s clothes, women who are in love with women of the same sex, and people whose gender does not apply to either, but these people are not accepted in many societies, including in Japan. And Japan is behind in the system to accept LGBTQ. In Japan, there was an incident in which a male student killed himself when he was outed to be gay. Same-sex marriage is now possible in 31 countries and regions, including Europe, the Americas and Oceania and so on. There is a partnership system in Japan, but it is completely different from marriage.
These issues of inequality for women and LGBTQ individuals should be resolved.

The first issue insider double-income household and childcare. It should change work style. For example, the company’s boss should give guidance so that husband can get home on time without overtime and understanding of the workplace for men’s housework and childcare. Then, if they go home early, they will have more time to do homework and childcare. In addition, it is necessary to change men’s war of thinking. Also, it is important not to do or ask for perfect housework. Not everyone is talented at housework, and they may be fired after work. It is important to create an environment that makes it easy to do housework.

The second issue is the discrimination against LGBTQ. Japanese students should be educated about LGBTQ among elementary and junior high school students. I think it will be easier to accept if students acquire knowledge early. According to the Marriage For All Japan, the result of the questionnaires was that more than 70% of people agreed with same-sex marriage. Most importantly, recognizing same-sex marriages will allow same-sex couples to attain equality under the law and be officially acknowledged. These actions will help eliminate prejudice and discrimination in society towards sexual minorities, which comprise over five percent of the world’s population. Finally, sexual minorities will be able to maintain their personal dignity and live in a society where they feel protected.

From these things, we should stop distinguishing by gender. And Japan should have more flexible ideas and be able to assert each person’s opinions and, both in housework and in relationship pairing ideas without hesitation. Possible solutions are incorrect for others to decide what they must do and what they must do with the gender they were born from.

Abacus for After School Activity

By Kiho Shimokariya

Today, many children do after school activities. Doing after school activities to learn what they don’t learn at school can help enrich children’s future lives. Of course, time spent in childhood is very short and precious. Therefore, parents need to carefully choose effective after school activities for their children to take. In many activities, we should let our children learn abacus. Some may think that learning abacus is outdated in this age of IT. Learning abacus not only helps them to calculate, but also to develop many other skills. Learning abacus not only improves their ability to calculate, but also to develop many other skills. It’s very important for improving academic skills, social skills, and a quality of life. There are some reasons why leaning abacus is important, including academic and social development and improving a quality of life.

Learning abacus can improve academic performance. The abacus has a time limit. Students concentrate on looking at small numbers, decimal points, and commas, and make instantaneous decisions. They also concentrate on listening to the teacher’s voice so as not to miss anything. Concentration is required because if you do not concentrate on your fingertips, you will touch the beads that you should not touch. This helps to improve ability to concentrate. The concentration skills acquired through abacus will enable our children to focus on their classes at school, and once they understand the content of the class, they will naturally enjoy studying and improve their academic skills. 

Also, children can improve social skills through learning abacus for after school activity. There are many students who attend abacus classes. There are many opportunities to interact with students who are not in the same grade who you would not normally have the chance to interact with. Children become friends by teaching each other, and they also become good rivals through examinations. They will also be able to pay attention to their surroundings, because if they move not quietly, someone’s abacus board will disturbed, and if they speak or make noise during the reading arithmetic, they will not be able to hear the teacher’s voice reading out loud and will interrupt the practice. By acquiring the skills necessary to interact with others in these ways, social skills can be enhanced.

The development of concentration and social skills through learning abacus for after school activities can greatly improve the quality of children’s future lives. Life can be greatly enriched by having a hobby that we enjoy. Especially if we want to enjoy a good life in your old age, we need to have a hobby that we can get into. There is reading, playing a musical instrument, cooking, and so on, all of which require concentration or can be improved by concentration. Hobbies that involve cooperation between several people needs communication skills a lot. Social skills also allow us to interact with others through our hobbies.

Some parents may say that there is no need to learn abacus since calculators and computers do the calculations nowadays. However, as mentioned above, learning abacus has many other benefits besides improving calculation skills. They are essential to our lives and provide a satisfying effect.
In conclusion, there are many benefits of learning abacus for after school activity. Learning abacus helps improve academic skills, social skills, and a quality of life. Parents should let children to learn abacus for after school activity. 

The Use of Honorifics With Non-Japanese

By Keilyn Henneberry, Gotsu Senior High School

Japanese children are taught from a young age to respect others by using honorifics. However, non-Japanese who live in Japan, such as ALTs (Assistant Language Teachers) and international students, are not taught the same rules. This could lead to serious problems for Japan’s society and International relations. The honorific ‘san’ is the most common honorific to be used in Japan, for teachers, it is ‘Sensei’. However, while ALTs are taught to use these, they are not taught to expect them to be used with them.

I noticed the ALT at my school was not being treated like other teachers. She is spoken to by only her first name, without an honorific, by both teachers and students. Teachers use honorifics to other teachers even when they are not around. However, when they mention the ALT’s name, they don’t use honorifics. From that behavior students learn not to use honorifics for ALTs.

One classmate, an international student from Taiwan, was called on by the teacher without honorifics even though the teachers always used honorifics with Japanese students. In classes, all students are called on with honorifics such as ‘Suzuki-san’. However, international students are referred to by first name without honorifics by both teachers and students. Teachers always use honorifics with their students, so why not with international students? In addition, my own brother who is a Japanese American was called on by his teacher without the honorific ‘san’. This is not only a problem towards international students but also non-Japanese and mixed-race children growing up in Japan.

Additionally, my own father, who is a professor at a university, deals with this on a regular basis. His students often call him ‘Henneberry’ instead of ‘Henneberry Sensei’ or ‘Mr. Henneberry’. This illustrates many university students continue this behavior which they learned in primary and secondary school.

In most cases, when Japanese people don’t use honorifics, it is with family members and close friends. This is a form of intimacy referred to as ‘Yobisute’ in Japanese. However, can we call it intimacy when Japanese teachers speak with non-Japanese colleagues without honorifics?

I had an opportunity to talk about this topic online with a group of English teachers and ALTs working all over Japan. Every single one of them had experienced this at least once in their lives in this country, and most of them experience it on a regular basis. One ALT shared her experience at her school, where there were two ALTs. While the other ALT was referred to as Sensei, she was not. She was told that the Japanese teachers assumed it would be too difficult for students to pronounce her last name, so the Japanese teachers did not offer the students the opportunity to use honorifics with her. Therefore, students were instructed to use her first name only. However, she eventually succeeded and convinced the teachers that they were taking a learning opportunity away from the students. The students now use her family name with the ‘Sensei’ honorific.

 Each of us can stand up to this issue. For example, when my brother’s teacher called him ‘Henneberry’ and not ‘Henneberry-san’, he ignored the teacher until the teacher said ‘Henneberry-san’. Just like the ALT above, my brother stood up for himself to be referred to with the correct honorific. However, this is not enough to resolve this national problem.

 To solve this issue, first, people must acknowledge that this is happening in our society. A lot of people are not even aware of this issue. When I spoke about this to my friends, they were surprised that this was even a problem. This problem has been hard to recognize because of a lack of cross-cultural understanding. It was easier for me to recognize this issue because I have two cultural backgrounds; my mother is Japanese, and my father is from the USA. I see American culture through Japanese eyes and I also see Japanese culture through American eyes. Therefore, this lack of honorifics with non-Japanese stands out clearly for me.

However, ALTs are not fully aware of the honorifics culture in Japan. They are taught to use honorifics when speaking with Japanese people, but not taught to expect honorifics to be used for them. Therefore, they do not realize that they are being spoken to in such an intimate or disrespectful manner. They must be taught to expect the honorifics ‘san’ or ‘Sensei’ to be used with them as well.

This issue will have negative effects on Japan’s society and following generations.  By not addressing this issue, Japanese people will continue this cycle of “accidentally” disrespecting non-Japanese. As such, MEXT (Ministry of Education, culture, sports, science and Technology) must change the educational system on how to teach Japanese honorifics to ALTs and people coming from different countries. They must be taught to speak to Japanese people with respect and to expect the same in return. In addition, teachers and students must be taught to use honorifics with ALTs and non-Japanese. Why do non-Japanese people have to fight for such respect, when Japanese people do not have to? Without policy change, this problem will not go away. We all must learn to be better. We must all learn to speak to each other with respect, regardless of race or natural origin, and MEXT should establish policy changes to ensure this.

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