By Joana Chavez Chavez, ESAN University
I was born in Huancayo, which is a city in the Peruvian Andes located in Junin within the Mantaro Valley.
One of the things I like most about being from Huancayo, Peru is that our food is one of the most interesting pleasures there is. I grew up in a family where food was the most important thing. Now, in my adulthood, I’ve made it just as important. When Peruvians invites people into their homes to share food, it is from the heart, so that the pleasure of eating it is more enjoyable.
A few weeks ago, some relatives came to my home for my sister’s birthday celebration. The main event was the meal, which was prepared that day to enjoy all together. We served large portions, and many of us had seconds. I have been able to observe throughout all these years that the dish that is most commonly prepared for important celebrations is carapulcra, which is a stew made from freeze-dried potato and pork. If the pork is roasted, the flavor obtained is more than delicious.
I think somehow enjoying food at home is the most important thing, because that’s where parents and children ask one another how their day was, and family connections are strengthened with a rich plate of food that gives strength and love. There’s a saying I’ve always heard from my mom and grandmother: “Where five people can eat, six or seven can eat.” That’s why I think it’s important to interact at lunch and at all kinds of meals.

“My sister’s birthday celebration, which included family and close friends. My cousin, Leslie Malpica Chavez, took the picture.”

“The dish prepared was carapulcra, and I took this photo.”