By Tomoki Fujii
Nowadays, trash on the beach is getting more serious around the world. Trash on the beach mainly contain plastic products. According to the study by National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), 8 million metric tons of plastic trash harm marine animals and ecosystems. The cause of this phenomenon is said to be human activity. In fact, throwing away trash and the development on the coast pollutes the beach, and these human activities sometimes cause death of wild animals like seabirds and sea turtles. This means that trash on the beach trouble not only humans but ecosystems. Despite this serious situation, there are still certain ways for people to solve the problem of trash on the beach.
As stated previously, trash on the beach affects not only humans but wild animals. However, wild animals may face more serious problems than humans. That’s because they sometimes eat trash like plastic products by mistake. They also get caught on trash. These incidents result in death of them. Despite these facts, there are some people who don’t stop throwing away trash, and much trash on the beach doesn’t decrease at all. People need to understand these situations because it is too late when things get bad. In addition, they must consider what they can do to solve the problem of trash on the beach. Then what should they do to deal with the problem? To answer this question, the following must be helpful.
One way that people reduce trash on the beach is to set up a trash box in every beach. One of the reasons why some people throw away trash is that there are not enough trash boxes on the beach. As you know, there are some signs that tells people not to throw away trash on the beach. However, at the same time, you may notice that there is not enough trash box on the beach. This means that people who come to the beach should bring back their trash. Although this is quite natural for people, but it needs to be considered that there are some people who don’t obey instruction of the sign. That’s why it is necessary to install enough trash boxes on the beach.
A weekly clean-up event is another possible solution. As you already know, there are many events everywhere to clean up the beach. For example, the article of The Government of Japan says that a woman in Hokuriku region, Japan, leads her team who positively engage clean up the beach once a month. However, almost all of them take place yearly or monthly. It means that few clean-up events take place weekly. The more frequently people clean up the beach, the more trash on the beach certainly decreases. It is natural and implies that more frequent opportunities to clean up the beach is important. In addition, the other ways play an important role to increase participants in such events.
To reduce a large quantity of trash on the beach, installing trash boxes on every beach and weekly clean-up events are valid solutions. In addition, you must remember the fact again that almost all of trash on the beach relate to humans and destroy ecosystems. These things certainly bring a big change to the environment.

Serious Trash Problem on the Beach
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