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Posts published in “South Korea”

Gender Language

By Yui Takeda

In the world, a lot of people think that men and women speak differently. Also, features of gender differences in language is different between Japan and other country. Then, this essay compares three expert’s essays. First essay is written about comparing Japanese and English, second is about Japanese and Chinese, the last one is about Japanese and Korean.
Kumadaki (2006) compared proverbs in Japanese and English. She said that proverbs express historical views on men and women that have been passed down from ancient times, and we can get a glimpse of what kind of stereotypes a society holds regarding gender differences. Also, the number of proverbs which is written about women is more than one’s about men. For example, they are written about women’s appearance, attitude, and so on. Besides, there are many Japanese proverbs that “evaluate or criticize women negatively,” and that there are also many that “talk about appearance and makeup.” On the other hand, there are proverbs that relate to men’s attitudes and behavior, the division of roles, and say that men are superior. However, there are extremely few proverbs in English that relate to men, and like in Japanese, many of them are targeted at women. From the above results, she said that “views of men and women” have been constructed through words since ancient times, and these ideas implicitly reflect the division of roles and values between men and women, and these ideas become fixed ideas. There is still a tendency to view things from the perspective of men and women from the past, and this can be said to have created gender differences that continue without being recognized much to this day.
Then, next one is the compering Japanese and Korean. Kim the degree of gender differences varies depending on the language, with some languages having large gender differences and others having small gender differences. Japanese is a representative language with large gender differences, and there are expressions unique to women that differ from those used by men, such as final particles, personal pronouns, beautifying words, and interjections, and there is clearly a language variant called feminine language, and the same goes for masculine words. On the other hand, Korean is said to be a language with very small linguistic gender differences. If you listen to actual utterances, you can easily distinguish between men and women because the pitch and quality of their voice are different, but if you transcribe that into text, the differences between men and women almost disappear. 
The last one is the comparing Japanese and Chinese. Kawasaki (2011) said that in modern Chinese, there are no gender differences between the words in Japanese, as they are clearly visible to everyone, such as personal pronouns and final particles. However, previous research has revealed that there are still differences between men and women and age in terms of phonology, vocabulary, expressions, and oral habits. A survey of habitual phrases shows that young women tend to mumble buzzwords, the use of low-level insults that can be taken as insults, the use of English, and the frequent use of words of words surprise and admiration.
In this way, there are differences between Japanese and other languages. Especially, Japanese have more gender differences than Korean and Chinese. According to The Agency for Cultural Affairs, many languages have differences in word usage based on gender. Even in Japanese, there are vocabulary and linguistic practices that are used characteristically by each gender, we should not insist on fixed gender differences in language. However, no matter which gender they belong to, each person should use language and topics that are acceptable as self-expression and that are appropriate to the person and the situation. It is desirable to make choices and engage in rich communication. 

Reasons for Applying for the Double Degree Program in Japan and Korea 

By Shuka Iwamoto 

Now that the number of people going to study abroad is increasing, the reasons why these people go abroad are various, such as career advancement and language training. Have you ever been interested in studying abroad Korea? I am currently studying in Korea, joining the Double Degree Program of the University of Shimane and University of Ulsan. I would like to share two reasons why I decide to seek two degrees in Japan and Korea.
First, I have always wanted to learn Korean history and culture since I was a junior high school student. I have made Korean friends and have had conversations with them through language learning apps. During the conversation, I realized differences in perceptions of history and politics between Japanese and Koreans. Especially in terms of history and politics, there have been disagreements. Through this experience, I wanted to go to Korea and learn about their culture, history and politics.
Second, I want to improve my Korean language ability. I started studying Korean on my own when I was a junior high school student, and by high school I was able to read, write and speak to some extent. While studying Korean on my own, I became interested in how Hangul was established and the differences in dialects between regions. I wanted to deepen my understanding of Korean language.
I made up my mind to study abroad, and now I’m in Korea to study and learn various things that are different from Japan. There are also many Chinese, Vietnamese, and English-speaking foreign students as well as Koreans, and there are classes with them, so it is very helpful to learn about various cultures other than Korea.
A lot of people hesitate of studying abroad because it is expensive. But the Double Degree Program of the University of Shimane and the University of Ulsan is very reasonable, because the tuition to the University of Ulsan is excepted. I am able to improve my language skills, and I am able to broaden your horizon. I hope my experiences can help you make a good decision.

Dating Celebrities

By Airi Endo

        I believe that K-Pop stars should be allowed to date their fans. In recent years, Korean idols have become more popular not only in Korea but also all over the world. Especially, the Korean idol group “BTS” is the most famous idol groups in the world. A passionate love of very popular stars like them is always big news. And the news is divided into two arguments, one agreeing with it and one disagreeing with it. Now, I would like to mention three agreeable opinions: K-pop stars have the right to date whoever they like, fans dating K-pop stars gives hope to other fans, and their fans feel happiness.
        First of all, like regular people, K-pop stars also have the right to date someone they like. Some people often say, “K-Pop stars ought not to date their fans because they are idols. K-Pop stars belong to everyone. They don’t belong to one person.” Or others will be against it because they think K-pop stars lose their values as an idol. However, I don’t think so. I think K-pop stars also have equal rights. It is important for all people to date someone they really like. If K-Pop stars and their fans love each other, dating their fans should be allowed. Also, a lot of people may be sad if people find out that K-Pop stars are dating their fans. But I don’t think I’m sad. I would be glad to hear that if they looked happy. That’s why people should support K-pop stars’ right to have a relationship.
        Second, if fans are dating K-Pop stars, they can give hope to other fans. In general, idols and their fans rarely have a chance to date. Nevertheless, if K-Pop stars and their fans are dating, they can give dreams to many people. For example, a lot of people will be able to expect that they might have a chance to date one of the most famous stars. This situation makes many fans happy. Also, K-Pop stars will be able to go on public dates. I think everyone will be happy and hopeful if this happens.
Third, the happiness of the K-pop stars is the happiness of their fans. A lot of fans share their hearts with their favorite stars. So, if the favorite stars feel sad, their fans also feel sad. If the stars feel happy, their fans also feel happy. Also, many fans think of stars’ happiness first. So, even if they are dating a regular person, fans think there is no problem. The reason why is that their favorite star seems to be happy, so they are happy.
        Celebrity dating is always very restrictive. However, even celebrities can date people they like. It can also give hope to other fans, and stars’ happiness makes their fans happy. These are some of the benefits. For these reasons, I think that K-Pop stars ought to be allowed to date their fans.

Fun Things to Do in South Korea

By Nana Hamano

What are fun things to do for students who study abroad? If you go to South Korea, there are a lot of interesting things to do. I would like to introduce three types of entertainment that are great for relieving the stress of study abroad. They are going to cafes, shopping and traveling.

        There are many shops lined up around the university where I am studying abroad. There are many fashionable cafes in South Korea. And there are many bars around the university. So foreign students go with their friends to talk and drink at cafes and bars. Korean students drink alcohol almost every day. Also there are a lot of people hanging around outside. The atmosphere of the college town is different from those in Japan, so if you go to South Korea to study, you will be able to enjoy a different university life from Japan’s.

        If you like South Korea, you can enjoy shopping. South Korea are very concerned with beauty. That’s why Korean cosmetics are attracting worldwide attention. Recently, Korean Cosmetics are very popular in Japan. Fashion is attracting attention as well as cosmetics. Due to the popularity of K-pop, the number of people imitating fashion has increased. If you are in South Korea, you can get cosmetics and clothes cheaper than in Japan. Recommended places for shopping in South Korea are Seoul and Busan. There are many places where you can shop.

          South Korea is smaller than Japan. In other words, it is easier to travel in South Korea than in Japan. In addition, transportation facilities in South Korea are remarkably well developed and transportation costs are very low. Popular domestic travel destinations are Seoul, Busan, and Jeju Island. Foreign students often visit amusement parks. Busan is famous for its sea, so you should go in summer. Jeju Island is a place rich in nature. There is an ocean and mountains. Therefore, playing in the sea in summer and mountain climbing in winter is good.

           There are various kinds of entertainment where you study abroad. Have a good time with friends, shopping, and go on a trip somewhere. If you are going to study abroad in South Korea, why don’t you experience these ways of entertainment?

Ways for Study Abroad Students to Overcome Culture Shock

By Hina Inoue

In today’s globalized world, it became common for students to experience studying abroad. Study abroad is a great opportunity for students to broaden their thinking. However, there are times when students fail to understand cultural differences and they experience culture shock. How can students overcome culture shock in foreign countries?

Culture shock is the feeling of severe anxiety when someone is placed in an environment that is very different from the familiar one. They become impatient because they cannot understand what is happening around them. They also feel alienated and blocked out, which can affect their interpersonal relationships. Culture shock can become stressful and lead to long-term negative feelings. Students who study abroad are exposed to many cultural differences. If their culture shock is too great, they may need to give up studying abroad and leave for their home countries.

The first solution to overcoming culture shock is to accept culture shock as a natural consequence of study abroad. Study abroad students¥ are foreigners, and it is natural to feel uncomfortable with the host culture. Culture shock is a stage in the process of adapting to a new culture. Therefore, there is no need to be overly anxious about culture shock. By doing so, the culture that made you feel uncomfortable in a foreign country will become familiar to you before you know it. Eventually, you will be willing to experience and accept the new culture. It is also important to realize that you do not need to accept all the differences. Everything you see is new and shocking, but you don’t have to agree with them. By recognizing that it is natural to experience culture shock and that you don’t need to like everything about the host culture, the stress will be relieved.

The second way to overcome culture shock is to talk to friends and family. Conversation with family members and friends from the same country will relieve the stress of culture shock. This is because even in the midst of a confusing situation in a different culture, people who share the same culture can be a source of comfort. During study abroad, a place where people can vent these anxieties will become a mental refuge for them. It is reassuring to know someone understands your feeling that you are feeling uncomfortable. Talking honestly about your feelings with family and friends can help change the difficult situation.

Culture shock is part of study abroad. But knowing it is possible to overcome culture shock can help students complete their study abroad programs. They can overcome culture shock by understanding that it is natural to experience culture shock and by sharing the feelings of discomfort with friends. Experiencing new cultures makes people anxious, but they also help people grow. Enjoy coping with different cultures by knowing solutions.

Goblins and an Old Man with a Lump

Kim Seung Mi

University of Ulsan

In Korea, This is a story about goblins.

      An old man with a lump on his cheek went walking deep inside a mountain alone one day until eventually darkness came. Being alone in the middle of the mountain made him frightened, so he started to sing a song to get over his fear, and then suddenly, threatening looking goblins appeared.

The old man begged them to save his life then the goblins ordered him to sing the song again. They danced with his song and when it was over, they asked the old man what was the secret for his singing. The old man touched his lump, which was out of habit, but the goblins thought the lump was the secret. He denied it, but the goblins never listened. They gave the man a treasure and took his lump off.

The day after, the story of the old man went through the village, and a greedy old man with a lump on his cheek heard that too. The greedy old man went to the exact same place at night and sang a song. The goblins came again. The greedy old man said, “My lump has all the merry songs in the world. I will give you my lump if you give me enough gold.” But these goblins already knew the truth because the very lump they took off the other day was not the secret for singing well. Then, the main goblin ordered his friends to give the lump they had on the cheek of the greedy old man. Also, they scolded him with their bats. The greedy old man got one more lump on the other cheek instead of getting rid of his old lump.  

In this story, the greedy old man tried to take off his lump but he got one more lump instead. “I tried to take it off, but I put it on instead” is one of the well-known old sayings in Korea. Whenever someone uses tricks to take the easy way, but finally has more difficulties, we use it for him or her. This saying is a warning so that we do not cheat others and be honest to each other.

Teahwagang (Teahwa River) National Garden

University of Ulsan

Hong Woo Jin

Imagine feeling nature in the middle of the city. In a busy urban life, a park in the city allows us to relax and heal. In Ulsan, there is Taehwagang (Teahwa River) National Garden. On July 11, 2019, Taehwagang Park in Ulsan was selected as a national garden and it is South Korea’s second national garden.

During Japanese occupation, bamboo was planted at the Teahwa River in order to prevent floods and a small park was formed around the bamboo forest. The city of Ulsan has gradually developed Taehwagang Park for its citizens. They built a walkway where citizens could take a walk, rest, and exercise.

But there were some problems at first. Originally, the Taehwa River was a very polluted river. There used to be a bad smell, too. So, the city of Ulsan tried for a long time to improve the water quality of the Taehwa River. As a result, salmon and yellowfin returned into the Teahwa River and it became a ‘river of life.’

Later, the city of Ulsan tried to develop Taehwagang Park, which was finally selected as a national garden. Teahwagang National Garden has an area of 835,452 square meters, and is divided into eight sections: ecological garden, bamboo garden, seasonal garden, aquatic garden, participatory garden, mugunghwa garden, green garden and convenience facilities.

In spring, the flower garden in Taehwagang National Garden offers a splendid scenery created by over 60 million spring flowers including poppies, cornflowers, and golden coreopsis. It is the largest single riverside flower garden in the country.

Taehwagang National Garden, where citizens can relax, take a walk and feel nature in the center of the city, is one of the best tourist attractions to visit when people come to Ulsan. For those who read this article, I recommend visiting Taehwagang National Garden if you come to Ulsan.

Apple’s Latest and Most Popular Items

Choi Yeji

University of Ulsan

A few weeks ago, Apple released iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro. However, which one is better between the two new products? There are several differences between the two iPhones.

First of all, the cameras are different. The iPhone 11 has a dual-camera system with an ultra-wide camera that can zoom out for sweeping landscapes or vast interiors. In contrast, the iPhone 11 Pro has a triple-camera system that is able to add a Telephoto lens for pro-level portraits and the ability to zoom in on distant subjects like wildlife and sporting events.

Second, they have a difference in battery life. The iPhone 11 gives an impressive all-day battery life that can be used for up to 17 hours. The iPhone 11 Pro on the other hand provides 18 hours which represents a major leap forward of up to four more hours of battery life than iPhone XS.

Third, they are different in water resistance. The iPhone 11 is water-resistant to a depth of two meters for 30 minutes. On the other hand, the iPhone 11 Pro works to a depth of four meters for the same minutes.

Lastly, they present different storage spaces. Both of the iPhones supply 64GB and 256GB, but 128GB is only available for the iPhone 11, and 512GB is exclusively for the iPhone 11 Pro. Given these points, consumers should compare different features between the two devices before they purchase them.


Ko Yoon Hee

On October 1st, I found again that getting ready is essential for success. I got a job offer from the company I will enter after graduation from university this April. The company held a “newbie ceremony” at its building called the Comprehensive Center in Osaka on October 1st for new recruits.

One day, I was given a mission by the human resources employee before the ceremony was held. The mission was to read an address replying beck to the president’s encouragement one for the new recruits. When I got the call, I felt honored, but at the same time, a little nervous, too. Referring to two previous addresses sent to me, I wrote an original one, and sent it to the company to check. After making sure my address was suitable for the ceremony twice, the time when I would have to read it got closer. Not to read it out loud with a shaking voice, I decided to practice reading and to give myself confidence. I went to a karaoke booth alone with my address paper and read it again and again through a microphone. That was the first preparation I did by myself for success.

My second form of preparation happened on the day, October 1st. I arrived at the center two hours earlier than the opening of the ceremony since I planned to practice the actions in the ceremony and read out loud the address. One HR employee and I did it together, and that was helpful because I could imagine how to behave during the ceremony. After having lunch with him, at 1:00 pm, the ceremony finally started. It’s held in a medium-sized hall, 23 new recruits including me were in the hall and 10 board members sat in front of us. After the introduction of each board member, the receiving of the offer confirmation, and then the president’s address, my turn came. I was not nervous but confident because I knew how to walk in the front of the president, read out loud the address, and fold the paper to give him, so I carried out the mission. Practicing those steps was the factor for my success. Without this practice, I would have felt more nervous and would have not been that confident when I was in front of all the participants.

CTherefore, I was able to realize again that to keep practicing is the huge factor for succeeding. Those two steps -reading out loud alone in the karaoke box and practicing with a partner in the real situation- gave me confidence and better understanding of what to do in the ceremony. Getting ready for the actual performance is necessary for the success.

BTS Unites the World with Music

Lee Yun Ah

University of Ulsan

It is said by some, that BTS is like the Beatles of the present generation. Of course, there are so many K-pop idols in Korea, but why has the world gone crazy for BTS, and what are the reasons for BTS being considered as one of the biggest and most popular groups in the world?  

The first reason is due to their sincere communication with their fans. They usually communicate with each other via SNS and various applications. So, BTS creates a strong emotional bond with fans by sharing their lives and thoughts. Their fandom name is called the ”Army”. It means that BTS and fandom are always with each other because the uniform and army are always together. After all, they have mutually beneficial relationship. When a fan gets good energy from BTS, they give back their love to BTS in various ways.

Secondly, it is due to their good songs and lyrics. Their lyrics are mostly about comforting and touching songs for young people and socially underprivileged people. They also give good messages to people, not only about love songs between men and women. Also, there are many hit songs among them. Moreover, most of the members are good at composing and writing the lyrics, and even producing large portions of the entire album personally. It makes their position shine even higher as true global artists.

Finally, their performance is extraordinary. In fact, the reason for the influx of foreign fans is because of this perfect military dance maneuvers. Most of the songs famous for their perfect military dances can be seen well in strong beat songs such as ”IDOL, DOPE, MIC-Drop, Fake Love, Dionysus and DNA.” Especially, there is a trio called the dance line among them who always center their performances to create perfection with their military dance. In addition, J-Hope, who holds the position as leader of the dance among members, was already famous for dancing in his hometown of Gwangju before his debut. If you are curious about J-Hope’s dance skills, you can watch J-Hope and Becky-G’s remake song of “Chicken Noodle Soup” on YouTube.

Actually, there are many another reasons why BTS is popular. The above are just three reasons why. If you want to know more about BTS, you should join in the “Army”.

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