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Posts published in “College Life”

College Life in the World

Differences between University and High School in Japan

By Kota Yamane

There are many differences between university and high school in Japan. So, in this essay I will explain these differences. In addition, there are commonalities between high school and university, and I will explain those as well. Finally, I will explain how university has various risks that high school does not.      

There are some commonalities between high school and university. Going to school, taking classes, and doing homework are common points between high school and college. And there are many club activities in both high school and university. There are about 20 club activities in each high school and university. So, we can make friends with common interests through club activities at university, just like in high school. Also, a common point between universities and high schools is we must take an entrance exam to enter the school. In this way, there are several common points between high school and university.  

The difference between high school and university is the educational systems. The length of class time in high school is about sixty minutes, but in university it is ninety minutes. University class times are about thirty minutes longer than high school class times. Moreover, high school classes are determined by teachers. On the other hand, students choose the classes they want to take at university. Also, there is a difference in the length of summer vacation. Summer vacation is longer in university than in high school. High school is one month but university is two months. High school classes place emphasis on learning a wide range of academic subjects, while university classes place emphasis on learning specialized fields. Additionally, university students have two months of summer vacation. So, they can study abroad. Therefore, they have more opportunities for cross-cultural exchange than high school students.  

Beautiful Campus of the University of Shimane

By Shoji Takeda

The University of Shimane in Hamada is in Shimane prefecture, Japan. Many people even in Japan probably have not heard of the university, because there are fewer students than other universities and the university is far from center of the city. However, the university is a beautiful place. There are trees which change color dramatically with the seasons and a view of the shiny Japan sea. Visitors are moved by looking at it.
   The path by the library is multi-faceted. A number of trees are planted there. The colors of the leaves are dark green in spring, summer, and crimson in autumn. When it is snowing in winter, the path become pure white. Visitors can enjoy the changing of the seasons there.
   In the university, visitors can see the Japan sea from various places. If the timing is right, there is a lecture room where visitors can see sunset over the sea. I think the best place is the bench in the westernmost of the university. Visitors can see the sea even in unlikely places. It is interesting to find your favorite place.
   There is a skybridge connecting the Institute for Northeast Asia Research to the Lecture Hall Building. The skybridge makes us feel wonderful. The height of skybridge is about 50 meters, and the length is about 100 meters. The skybridge walls are glass from start to end, therefore, you can see the top of the trees and the museum next the university from there. You may feel like walking in the air when you walk there.    
  Almost all people, even those in Hamada have not visited the university of Shimane. There are beautiful and attractive views, however. Visitors can have a glorious time there. The university is in a small city, so it has a special atmosphere. You should visit the university when you are in the neighborhood. 

Lack of sleep affects students’ lives

By Gaku Nakaso

Recently, Japanese students are often seen sleeping during class. In fact, I often slept during class too. Recently, for Japanese students, the time spent on hobbies, part-time jobs and homework is increasing. For that reason, more and more students are cutting down on their sleep time. I will consider the impact of students’ lack of sleep on their studies.

I will introduce the causes of students’ lack of sleep. The first reason is that the time for hobbies is increasing. It is mainly due to the development of the Internet and devices such as smartphones and video games. The development of SNS is also a major cause of lack of sleep. The second is that even high school students and university students can feel the need to work part-time jobs. If you have a part-time job until late at night, you will not get enough sleep. The third cause is that there is too much homework and time to study at home. Students who lack sleep have various causes.

How will students’ lack of sleep impact them academically? You will likely fall behind in your studies by falling asleep in class. Once you’re behind, you’ll spend a lot of time catching up. That’s very hard. Additionally, your evaluation from the teacher may go down because it’s an inappropriate attitude towards lessons. Moreover, your lifestyle will be disturbed, and it will be difficult to go back to normal. Taking nap is a cause of not being able to sleep at night. Students’ lack of sleep has a very negative effect on their education. 

Lack of sleep affects not only academics but also your life. If you don’t get enough sleep, you may get sudden drowsiness. It’s very dangerous if it happens while driving. Additionally, if you don’t get enough sleep, you may lose concentration. You may make a mistake in various parts of life such as academics and part-time jobs. Finally, the risk of illness and colds increases. If you get sick, you have to take a day off from school until you get better. For students, lack of sleep is also dangerous. 

Students’ lack of sleep is negative for both academics and life. Hobbies, part-time jobs, and studying at home are the main causes of lack of sleep. You may be late for class, and your grades and evaluation from the teacher will also go down. Lack of sleep is our enemy. 

Skipping Breakfast

Do you have breakfast? Most members of our class don’t have breakfast. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Japan (2018) said 83.5% of targets of surveys have breakfast almost every day. On the other hand, the rate of targets in 20s and 30s is only 64.3%. It shows that many young people in Japan don’t have breakfast. However, having breakfast has positive effects. For example, it is possible to focus on study and work and so on. Nevertheless, many people young people don’t have breakfast. We found three reasons for it, the need for sleep, the need to save money and having no desire to eat.
By Shoji Takeda 

Young people want to sleep as long as possible. Eating breakfast takes time to prepare and to eat. Japanese people usually eat rice, miso soup, fish and salad for breakfast. It takes a long time to eat. According to IT media business online (2021), about 60% of people answered that it takes 6 to 15 minutes to eat breakfast. After preparation you need time to eat and clean up. Many 20-30 year-olds live alone. They have to clean up by themselves. Considering all the time it takes for breakfast, people need 15 to 30 minutes. Also, many young people stay up late at night. They surf the internet, play games, go to part-time jobs and study. So, young people want to use the morning’s precious time for sleep. 
By Hanon Mitsumasa 

Young people living alone have no money. So many of them don’t eat breakfast to save money. Young people who live alone have to budget their own money. For students, there is a limit to how much you can earn from a part-time job, and you can only earn an average of 88,000 yen per month (Yamamoto, 2023). According to the Iepura column Survey of Living Conditions (2022), the average cost of food for young people is 20% of their living expenses, and they lack funds for other necessary things. Many young people don’t eat breakfast because eating three meals a day makes other parts of their lives difficult.
By Yuki Sasaki 

Another reason for 20- 30 year-olds not having breakfast is that young people don’t have the desire for breakfast. There are some basis this reason, but the most influential one is the disrupting your circadian rhythm caused by staying up late. (2023, OD improvement association) In addition, it is said that eating late at night prevents the stomach from resting so they don’t have an appetite in the morning. Moreover, young people get used to not having breakfast. It’s also the reason why young people don’t feel uncomfortable with it.
As a result of disrupting circadian rhythm and habit, young people lose their appetite and don’t eat breakfast.
By Shuto Kitayama 

Many young people don’t eat breakfast in Japan. We believe there are three reasons why they don’t eat breakfast. The first is wanting more time for sleep. The second is having little money. The third is having no appetite. There are many such young people in Japan. How about in your country?
By Koshiro Abe 

A Comparison of High School and College Students in Japan

By Haku Matsutani
     Both high school and college students are expected to obtain knowledge. They go to school, to attend classes and meet their peers. However, they are worlds apart.

     The life of high school students is similar across Japan. In high school, students take courses that are mostly decided by their schools. They can choose concentrations: humanity or science, but their timetables are pretty much fixed. Everyone has the same schedule. Also, high school students often required to wear uniforms, which are usually formal and designated by their schools. Some schools do not permit students to put on even short or colorful socks. Not only clothes, but also their hair styles are usually limited; they are required to keep a clean hair style. They are not allowed to color their hair, or put on make-up. They are not supposed to show their individuality though hair or make-up.

     In contrast, the life of college students is free. College students have more flexibility in creating their schedules and choosing their courses. Of course, there are some required courses, but they can usually choose course they want to take. , College are more expected to take responsibility for choosing their own learning than high school students, and their schedules are all different. Also, college students are allowed to wear their own clothes when they go to school. There are no  regulations which limit what to wear. They can change their hair color and put of make-up, too. They can express their own individuality.

     In addition, high school students and university students have different approaches to learning. In high school, students often focus on their grades or getting good scores in examinations, so they would be motivated by external factors. Also, they rely on their teachers and parents to guide them to the right course. While high school students might learn class subjects for getting high scores in exams, university students choose their courses by themselves and learn class subjects which they choose themselves. University students are expected to be more independent in their learning. They are motivated by their own interests, so they usually go to university to learn specialized areas or academic topics. University students develop a deeper level of understanding or to pursue their strong, academic interests.
     In summary, there are some clear differences between high school students and university students. At the point of scheduling classes and wearing clothes. University students have more freedom than high school students. However, they need to be more self-directed and independent.

Benefits of Reading Books for College Students

By Tomi Watanabe
     A lot of college students these days use their phones. They often use their phones during breaks, while waiting for a bus, in the library and at home. Many people waste their time using phones. I wasted a lot of time on the YouTube and SNS’s, too. I regarded my bad behave when I failed an examination. I should have stopped using my phone. I would like to argue that college students should read more books.
     Reading books have many good points. For example, if you read books, you can build vocabulary. If you built good academic vocabulary, you could write reports easily and able to obtain good grades. You can get a lot of good knowledge. It’s true some online materials offer good information, but printed books are carefully edited and the value of information in printed books is greater. In addition, by reading novels, your imagination improves. You be able to anticipate a variety of things through reading novels. Likewise, by reading some business books, you can get the knowledge what required for your job. 
 Some people might say that purchasing some books cost, on the other hand, apps on our phone are free to spend the time. Surely, buying books requires money. However, I am convinced vocabulary and knowledge are more than worth the money. Reading books is the easiest way to invest in yourself. In conclusion, college students should read books instead of enjoying SNS’s and video sharing. Reading books help you to live a better life. Why don’t you should set yourself apart from phones.

Benefits of Study Abroad

By Ami Tsuru
     “It seems that studying abroad is good, but is it difficult?” I think there are many students who want to study abroad but are hesitant because of money and cultural differences. I have considered studying abroad several times. Universities and government are helping students with a lot of ways to study abroad. However, there are many people who don’t study abroad. Some people think that there is no point in going just because it costs money.  Nonetheless studying abroad gives you a variety of experiences and skills. There are several reasons why studying abroad as a student is important, including acquiring English ability, understanding different cultures and increasing future options.
     Learning English abroad will help students acquire the ability to speak English fluently. Unlike in Japan, English is widely spoken overseas. To continue to study, you will need the ability to speak English. In Japan, there are few foreign people around, so there are few opportunities to talk in English. Since there are only foreign people abroad, it is necessary to speak a lot of English. Therefore, the ability to use English naturally and practically grows.
     We can experience the culture of country we visit. Behaviors that are allowed in Japan will be allowed in foreign countries. For example, in Japan, it is a good manner to hold a rice bowl while eating, but in Korea, it is good manners to keep the rice bowl on the take while eating. Also, in Japan, people often take off their shoes when entering a house, but in many other countries, people enter a house without taking off their shoes. We can learn manners and rules in a foreign country that we wouldn’t normally know if we lived in Japan. 
     If we can speak English, we can get a job at an overseas in the future or go on to an overseas university. Studying abroad will increase the number of occupations you can choose, which is useful for finding a job. We can expand our horizons by meeting people with various backgrounds in foreign countries. Being able to speak English makes it easier to find a job because there are more options for many kinds of occupations. If we make use of experience and go on to study abroad, we will be able to learn deeply.
     Some students might object to going study abroad, saying the drawbacks. It requires a lot of money. Graduation may be delayed due to the time spent in studying abroad. Also the life will be stressful in a foreign culture. However, as stated previously, studying abroad provide good experiences and the ability to speak English.
     In conclusion, study abroad will help you acquire ability to English, understand different cultures, and expand your future career options. We can learn a lot of things that we didn’t know by going abroad. Go among the students and have a nice experience!

Reasons for Applying for the Double Degree Program in Japan and Korea 

By Shuka Iwamoto 

Now that the number of people going to study abroad is increasing, the reasons why these people go abroad are various, such as career advancement and language training. Have you ever been interested in studying abroad Korea? I am currently studying in Korea, joining the Double Degree Program of the University of Shimane and University of Ulsan. I would like to share two reasons why I decide to seek two degrees in Japan and Korea.
First, I have always wanted to learn Korean history and culture since I was a junior high school student. I have made Korean friends and have had conversations with them through language learning apps. During the conversation, I realized differences in perceptions of history and politics between Japanese and Koreans. Especially in terms of history and politics, there have been disagreements. Through this experience, I wanted to go to Korea and learn about their culture, history and politics.
Second, I want to improve my Korean language ability. I started studying Korean on my own when I was a junior high school student, and by high school I was able to read, write and speak to some extent. While studying Korean on my own, I became interested in how Hangul was established and the differences in dialects between regions. I wanted to deepen my understanding of Korean language.
I made up my mind to study abroad, and now I’m in Korea to study and learn various things that are different from Japan. There are also many Chinese, Vietnamese, and English-speaking foreign students as well as Koreans, and there are classes with them, so it is very helpful to learn about various cultures other than Korea.
A lot of people hesitate of studying abroad because it is expensive. But the Double Degree Program of the University of Shimane and the University of Ulsan is very reasonable, because the tuition to the University of Ulsan is excepted. I am able to improve my language skills, and I am able to broaden your horizon. I hope my experiences can help you make a good decision.

Three Reasons that Japanese Have Poor English Ability 

By Honoka Akazawa

  Can you fluently communicate in English with native speakers of English ? A lot of university students in Japan have an aversion to speaking English. According to the study by Tang & Ohashi, “66% university students in Japan said that the were not good at speaking English.” The necessity of speaking English will increase in the future. However, a lot of Japanese don’t speak English well, much less office workers don’t have time studying English. Why are not Japanese people good at speaking English? I would like to present three reasons why Japanese cannot speak English well; studying English for university entrance exams, cultural barrier to speak English, and having less chances speaking English.
Firstly, most Japanese people have a recognition that studying English is for university entrance exams. This way of thinking is affected by English education in Japan. Japanese students take English classes to improve skills reading and writing. They don’t have English classes for practicing speaking and pronunciation. According to a study by Sugiura (2017), “some students who left an impression what classes focused on language format said that they don’t have sense of using English by themselves. So, we can understand they are passive that they studied English for their tests.” Then even though students in Japan take English classes for six years, most people don’t speak English well. This is a fact in Japan. We need English classes that teach, listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Secondly, modesty in Japanese culture discourages Japanese people to speak up in front of English speakers. Tang & Ohashi point out that “Taking a passive role in the daily communications in Japanese seems to be a major problem for difficulty of cross-cultural communications in English.” Japanese feel that making a mistake is embarrassing. A lot of Japanese people are afraid of making mistakes. This is a Japanese culture, a culture of shame. According to Tang & Ohashi, “Japanese people are aware of what other people think about us and how other people react, and act to avoid being ridiculed by other people.” This culture of shame has a bad influence on speaking English. Therefore, people make neat an atmosphere that discourage speaking wrong English. They care about more correctness of grammar than communication.
Thirdly, Japanese don’t have a chance to speak English with other people. Since Japanese people do not experience speaking English enough they can’t have confidence about their English. And they don’t feel necessity of using English. I think that is because of an island country. If Japan connected by land, Japanese have more chance talking in English to people who speak English.
For these reasons, most Japanese can’t speak English. I think that Japanese English learners should change how to study English.

Huanu, T. & Makoto, O.  , A study on different communication-consideration-Focusing on the culture of “shame” and “emotional dependence.” Qingdao Language School of Science and Technology, and Tokushima University School of Education. rsr_8_1.pdf 
Rie, S. (2017), English Language Learning of Japanese University Students-A Qualitative Investigation based on Narrative Frames- J. Higher Education, Tokai University (Hokkaido Campus) jheTmplt2010 (
Takunori, T. (2021, October), Frequency of Japanese Workers Using English-Based on Web-Panel Questionnaires- Kwansei Gakuin University Repository. 8.pdf

Japanese English educational problems 

By Ryota Kagehira

Japanese English learners have the lowest speaking score of TOEFL in the world. This is shocking. TOEFL’s the speaking score of the Japanese test takers is only 17 points, which is the lowest speaking score in the world. Why are Japanese English learners cannot speak English?
         Firstly, the curriculum of Japanese English education does not teach English pronunciation. The number of consonants and vowels in Japanese is far fewer than that of English, so it is necessary to teach pronunciation of English consonants and vowels. However, most Japanese people do not learn English pronunciation. So, Japanese people cannot pronounce English sounds correctly and do not have confidence when they speak English. In this situation, they are afraid of making mistakes.

         Secondly, English education does not provide enough speaking time for students. According to Kenzo Tokunaga, a survey for 12 thousand public Junior highs and 38 hundred public high schools by MEXT showed data about English classes. Some schools answered that the English class is using English mostly. The first year in Junior high is 3.9%, the second year is 3.7%, the third year is 4%, and high school is only 1,1%. As you know, it is said that Japanese students do not have the opportunity to speak English in a foreign language class. Also, conversation between students and teachers is spoken in Japanese. For this reason, a lot of Japanese students cannot speak English.  
           There are two problems with Japanese English education lack of pronunciation instruction and speaking time. If these problems of Japanese English education are solved, Japanese people will be able to speak English better.

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