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Positive Effects of Inbound Tourism on Japanese Industries

By Towa Oguni

Inbound tourism has excellent potential to be a major stimulus for the Japanese economy. After the Covid-19 begin to be calm down, many tourists all over the would start to go abroad and visit tourist spots again. They spent huge of money on sightseeing so economic is revitalized by them. Naoki Arai (2019) reported that the number of tourists coming Japan is 31 million in 2018, consuming 4,500 billion in 2018. Both scores were increased significantly than before. There are three positive effects inbound tourism on.
Some places are popular among international travelers. For example, Japanese discount store called Don Quixote’s business has been growing with inbound tourism. This store sells a lot of interesting items for customers, and it is very famous for foreign tourists. The Dotonbori shop in Osaka is the most attractive. Ichiro Matsumoto (2016) said that Dotonbori store in Osaka occupy 39.6% of the ratio of tax-free sales. In other words, many tourists from abroad shop at this store, contributing greatly to sales.  
  In addition to the effects on discount store, Japan’s luxury hotels start building new hotels. There are just 34 five-star hotels in Japan, whereas America has 801 five-star hotels. Hoshino Resort a well-known company that operates hotels in Japan has planned to open new four facilities by 2024. In addition, Imperial Hotel has planning built a new hotel in Kyoto by 2026. 
The most positive effect of inbound spill over construction industry, accordingly, increasing employment opportunities. The Nikkei (2022) reported Shiseido, Japanese cosmetic farm, has completed new plan in Kurume, Fukuoka to ship their cosmetic products for Asian such as China. This factory will have the potential to produce 140 million units per year from 2026. The company have to hire more workers. Thus, more jobs will be created as a result of inbound tourism.
In conclusion, these are the three great effects of Japanese inbound tourism. The corporation such as Don Quixote is benefiting from the inbound. Moreover, the company can receive positive effects such as increased employment opportunities by establishing a system to accommodate inbound tourism. Japan’s economy will grow more than ever thanks to inbound. 


Arai, (2019), Significance effects and issue of inbound tourism. Journal of Regional Promotion ,30,1-30.
Matsumoto, (2016). Increase of foreign visitors and upheaval of inbound tourism. The Economic Review of Japan University of Economics,46, 237-247.
Shiseido hukuokade shinkozyokadou zyuyoukaihuku mikomi seisankakuzyu[Shiseido to start operation of new plant in Fukuoka prefecture, expanding production in expectation of recovery in demand.](2022,May 26). Nihon Keizai Shinbun. 

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