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Problems in English Education of Japan 

By Nao Yasutake

Do you think English education system in Japan have effects on improving student’s English-speaking abilities? Generally, Japanese people take English classes for more than 6 years at the school. If people spend time to study English more than 6 years, it seems that people can speak English fluently. However, practically most Japanese people who have learned English at school can’t communicate well in English. It means Japanese English education system has failed to develop English speaking ability. There are three reasons for the lack of English-speaking abilities of Japanese English learners.
        English education system doesn’t provide enough time to practice speaking for students. Usually, English teachers spend most of time to teach English grammar and vocabulary for students at the lectures. Sometimes students have time to read aloud English textbooks during class, but the time to practice speaking English is overwhelmingly not enough in current Japanese English education. Sugita (2021) showed that only 10% of students answered that improving communication skill was most focused in their high school English education, and 20% of students answered improving all four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing were focused on high school English class. This survey results shows that only 30% of students felt they spent time to improve their speaking skills in English classes.
        English teachers use Japanese when they gave English lectures in Japan. Therefore, students have more time to listen Japanese than listen to English during English class. Traditionally, Japanese English education gives “Grammar Translation Method” for students. It is s study method that teachers instruct English grammar and vocabulary in Japanese, and students translate English sentences to Japanese. This teaching method has disadvantage to develop student’s English communication skills. According to Tajima (2013), “The problem is student can’t cultivate their abilities of listening and speaking English, because students  and concentrate on Japanese”. As I mentioned before, students learn English grammar and vocabulary in Japanese, so they end up thinking in Japanese in their brains when they communicate with English speakers. This is one of a bad habit which disturb to communicate smoothly in English. 
         Japanese English education doesn’t teach enough English vocabulary for students. It causes the problem that Japanese can’t communicate in English even they learn English for many years at school. Japanese people learn basic 800 English words at junior high school, and they learn advanced vocabulary at high school. The reason why high school English education suddenly teach difficult vocabulary because students are required understanding advanced long sentences in English in college entrance examinations. Inoue (2004) suggests that, vocabulary of Japanese English learners lack between basic 800 words and advanced vocabulary for college entrance examinations. Therefore, they don’t have most important daily conversation vocabulary (p.232). English education system doesn’t teach daily language for students, so Japanese people don’t have English speaking ability.
        There are three problems of Japanese English education system in terms of limited time to practice speaking English, the language of lecture, and the lack of English vocabulary. Current Japanese English education system isn’t organized to develop student’s speaking English abilities. Therefore, current English education system in Japan have to change the contents of the English lectures to raise students who can be active in global society in the future.

Sugita, Y. (2021). “Hanasukoto”no gijutsu kojoni tsunagaru kokoeigozyugyono arikata:
Kokoeigo zyugyoni kansuru daigakusei taisyono sitsumon chosano kakkakara [The best high school English class that promote the skills of “speaking”: Results of a survey of the high school English classes by college students]. JACET KANTO Journal, 9, 5-24

Tajima, H. (2013). “Eigode eigowo osierukoto”ni kansuru kenkyu [Regarding the survey of “teaching English in English”]. Teikyo University Department of Education Bulletin, 1, 77-85

Inoue, K. (2004). Tsukau tameno daigaku zyuken eigo [English of university entrance examination to use practically]. Chikuma Bookstore 

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