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Posts published in “College Life”

College Life in the World

Problems in English Education of Japan 

By Nao Yasutake

Do you think English education system in Japan have effects on improving student’s English-speaking abilities? Generally, Japanese people take English classes for more than 6 years at the school. If people spend time to study English more than 6 years, it seems that people can speak English fluently. However, practically most Japanese people who have learned English at school can’t communicate well in English. It means Japanese English education system has failed to develop English speaking ability. There are three reasons for the lack of English-speaking abilities of Japanese English learners.
        English education system doesn’t provide enough time to practice speaking for students. Usually, English teachers spend most of time to teach English grammar and vocabulary for students at the lectures. Sometimes students have time to read aloud English textbooks during class, but the time to practice speaking English is overwhelmingly not enough in current Japanese English education. Sugita (2021) showed that only 10% of students answered that improving communication skill was most focused in their high school English education, and 20% of students answered improving all four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing were focused on high school English class. This survey results shows that only 30% of students felt they spent time to improve their speaking skills in English classes.
        English teachers use Japanese when they gave English lectures in Japan. Therefore, students have more time to listen Japanese than listen to English during English class. Traditionally, Japanese English education gives “Grammar Translation Method” for students. It is s study method that teachers instruct English grammar and vocabulary in Japanese, and students translate English sentences to Japanese. This teaching method has disadvantage to develop student’s English communication skills. According to Tajima (2013), “The problem is student can’t cultivate their abilities of listening and speaking English, because students  and concentrate on Japanese”. As I mentioned before, students learn English grammar and vocabulary in Japanese, so they end up thinking in Japanese in their brains when they communicate with English speakers. This is one of a bad habit which disturb to communicate smoothly in English. 
         Japanese English education doesn’t teach enough English vocabulary for students. It causes the problem that Japanese can’t communicate in English even they learn English for many years at school. Japanese people learn basic 800 English words at junior high school, and they learn advanced vocabulary at high school. The reason why high school English education suddenly teach difficult vocabulary because students are required understanding advanced long sentences in English in college entrance examinations. Inoue (2004) suggests that, vocabulary of Japanese English learners lack between basic 800 words and advanced vocabulary for college entrance examinations. Therefore, they don’t have most important daily conversation vocabulary (p.232). English education system doesn’t teach daily language for students, so Japanese people don’t have English speaking ability.
        There are three problems of Japanese English education system in terms of limited time to practice speaking English, the language of lecture, and the lack of English vocabulary. Current Japanese English education system isn’t organized to develop student’s speaking English abilities. Therefore, current English education system in Japan have to change the contents of the English lectures to raise students who can be active in global society in the future.

Sugita, Y. (2021). “Hanasukoto”no gijutsu kojoni tsunagaru kokoeigozyugyono arikata:
Kokoeigo zyugyoni kansuru daigakusei taisyono sitsumon chosano kakkakara [The best high school English class that promote the skills of “speaking”: Results of a survey of the high school English classes by college students]. JACET KANTO Journal, 9, 5-24

Tajima, H. (2013). “Eigode eigowo osierukoto”ni kansuru kenkyu [Regarding the survey of “teaching English in English”]. Teikyo University Department of Education Bulletin, 1, 77-85

Inoue, K. (2004). Tsukau tameno daigaku zyuken eigo [English of university entrance examination to use practically]. Chikuma Bookstore 

The Impact of Social Media on Long Distance Romantic Relationships 

By Karua Ono

Have you ever missed your lover in a long distance romantic relationship? During a long distance romantic relationship, it is difficult to due to the physical distance. However, all couples in long distance relationships can talk face-to-face at any time thanks to social media. Couples can fill their own lonely hearts and share their feelings or current situations by using social media. In the following essay, there are three examples about the impact of social media on long-distance romantic relationships. 
        Couples can share the same time even if their phsical distance are far by using social media. Thanks to the progress of technology, we can send messages easily and quickly  because there are many social media sites such as LINE, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. According to a report by Morgan (2020), “communication is a great tool for combating relational issues in long-distance romantic relationships” (p. 2). By talking to their partners about funny or sad events of the day on the LINE every day, couples can relieve their loneliness of not being able to meet face to face and it can avoid conflict between them.
         On social media such as spotify, couples can share favorite pictures, funny videos and music. For example, we can make own playlist and share it to the other person by using sites like Spotify. By listening to the same music, we can feel connected with partner.  According to a report by Morgan (2020), the impact of sending songs are “1) we just heard and really like and need to share 2) remind us of one another; a form of romance or intimacy 3) communicate in a way we can’t always put into words.” (p. 10). Also, according to the same report, sharing humorous content like sending funny videos and pictures is important to maintain a long distance romantic relationship (p. 9).
        The most important role that social media play a big role is couples can talk watching face each other in real time via video call. It is almost the same as speaking directly, they can feel like partner is in the same place. We can notice that changes of partners hair, make up, and facial expression. If there are no video call like Skype or Zoom in the world, long distance romantic relationship couples may forget partner’s smile or facial features. 
        In conclusion, the impact of social media on long distance romantic relationship couple is very big without social media ,it would be difficult to keep a long distance relationship. However, the functions like messages, sharing music and video call make it possible to keep in touch.

The Impact of Social Media on Business

By Riko Yamamoto

Do you like surfing webs? I love web surfing because I can get what I want without going out. It is not just me, but young people these days often shop online. One of the reasons is that a number of businesses promote productson SNS such as Instagram, Tik Tok, and Twitter. Opportunities to see various products are increasing by using those SNS. As companies that want to sell products have started to enter SNS, a large market that anyone can easily visit has begun to develop. In this essay, I will mainly consider the role of Tik Tok as a product market, what social media is, and the benefits of advertising on Tik Tok from the company’s point of view and the effect from the consumer’s point of view.
    According to Yoko (2019), SNS is an abbreviation for social networking service, and it is a service that has the function of communication and connection between users in the Internet award. Among many SNS, Tik Tok is a has shown rapid expansion in recent years. Ikkaku (2021) said that while Instagram is required to look good like a magazine, Tik Tok is equipped with short videos that can be viewed quickly and abundant video editing functions. 
     Companies that want to sell products can boost sales by using celebrities who use Tik Tok to promote their products. Viewers would be more likely to buy if their favorite entertainers introduce product that they were wondering whether to buy. Eiko (2002) said that by emphasizing with the way of life and way of thinking of celebrities and artists through the media and imitating them or setting goals, people gain psychological satisfaction, and objective and instrumental satisfaction. As they subconsciously want to be like their favorite celebrities, they want to buy products that celebrities introduce. So, by using celebrities who have a lot of fans, mass consumption from their fans can be expected. 
     Another advantage of using Tik Tok is that consumers who want to buy products can get more information about the products they are trying to buy. On general online shopping site, only a few photos are posted, and it is difficult to understand what kind of texture and what kind of size a product will be. For example, when we buy a clothe, even S size differs depending on the manufacturer, so it is difficult to tell whether the clothe are really small S size or large S size by simply looking at the labels. However, if we use Tik Tok and search the clothe or its brand name, we would be able to see the shoppers’ reviews of the clothe. We can get more information there and ask questions in the comments section. In addition, we can also have the video taken again for even more detailed part. In this way, there are great benefits for consumers.
     Tik Tok is a video distribution app and we can watch a lot of videos easily. And many companies and celebrities have cooperated to introduce a lot of products. Also, Tik Tok is making us less anxious about buying products. We may have worries about SNS, but in this way, SNS improve our quality of life! 

The Effect of Social Media on Students Life Decisions

By Tomoka Izumi

Do you know that social media have a big influence on your life decisions? Now that social media are part of the life of young people, they have a big impact when they make major decisions in your life, such as going to college or getting a job.
    Social media refer to blogs, social networking services such as Facebook and Twitter, video sharing sites such as YouTube, messaging apps such as LINE and other media in which users transmit and share information. Social media are characterized by the various mechanisms that promote connections among users and allow them to visually understand each other’s relationships. And social media has become an important part of the use of the Internet since the 2000s.
   Social media has influence on students when they enter college. Students who want to go to university in the future must first gather information about what kind of university they want to go to. And then using social media can help students. Many universities have an official Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. And there are posts about university events and student life. Then, prospective students can follow such accounts and see the social networking posts to find out what kind of university they are aiming for. Thus, social media can be very helpful for students who want to gather as much information as possible about the schools they are interested in.
  Social media can also help students find jobs. Orido and Murata (2012) state that in recent years, the use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter has attracted attention. They also noted that job-seeking students also try to appeal to prospective employers by disseminating information of themselves. In this way, social media are very useful for students not only to know information about companies, but also promoting their own information. And according to Orito and Murata (2012) social media also allow students to exchange information with each other and with alumni and alumnae. It is reassuring to be able to exchange opinions and information with other students who are seeking employment, and it can also improve motivation for job-hunting activities. Also, by talking directly with alumni and alumnae, students may be able to hear information that will help they find a job.
      To summarize, using social media in this way has several positive impacts for students seeking for information of colleges employment. How about using social media to help you make big life decisions too.

Orito, Y. & Murata, K. (2012). Job hunting using social media and its influence over the construction of digital identity. 2012 Fall National Research and Presentation Conference, 291-294.
     Ministry of Internal affairs and communications. (2017). Changes brought about by the proliferation of social media.

Daiso, Popular 100-yen Shop in Japan

USJ students are loyal customers of Daiso

Daiso, the Japanese 100-yen shop, is very popular in Japan. Daiso can be found across Japan and there are two Daiso shops near the University of Shimane. The reason for Daiso’s popularity is its low price. Most products are unified to 100 yen. Japanese 100 yen is equal to about 0.79 dollars, and you can see that it is very reasonable. Isn’t it amazing that you can buy household goods, such as kitchen utensils such as tableware, storage boxes and stationary at such a low price? (Naoto Hakata)

But the price is not the only reason of their popularity. A wide variety of foods such as frozen foods, confectionery, and preserved foods are sold. If you want to buy sweets, go to Daiso and you’ll be all set. I got upset when I did not find my favorite sweets at a convenience store. To my great delight, I found them at Daiso. I was very impressed. Daiso never disappoint me. (Fujimoto Masanari)

Daiso keeps pleasing their customers with everlasting new products. I had a part-time job at Daiso. Even four months after I started working there, I couldn’t remember the location of all the products. Unbelievable, isn’t it? This is because Daiso releases new products almost every week. The number of products is increasing day by day. (Inoue Mizuki)

Daiso products are very useful. This item, a plastic container, is for making onsen tamago-Japanese soft-cooked egg. Onsen tamago is very difficult to cook, because the temperature should be kept just right for the center to be cooked but the white should not be overcooked. But with this product, you get this problem solved! Just add an egg to the plastic container and pour three tablespoons of water, and heat it in the microwave (500W) for 1 minute. This Daiso product makes it easy to prepare onsen tamago at home. (Mimura Satsuki)

Another useful product is the container for making pasta. I always found it troublesome to cooking pasta. One day, I accidentally came across this item and decided to give it a try at home. All I had to do was to put water and pasta in a container and heat in the microwave. I could enjoy an ideal taste just by doing that. I was so amazed at this fresh idea! (Ogoshi Masaya)

In addition to the useful items, Daiso sells amazingly cute products, too. Plates are one of Daiso’s popular products. The price is low and the cost performance is good. But that is not all. Look at the picture. The designs are very cute, aren’t they? That’s why Daiso is so popular in Japan. (Yoda Kohei)

You must wonder why Daiso can manage to do this. The reason is that the design and structure is simple, and the manufacturing cost is reduced by using low-priced materials than those of other makers. In this way, many daily items are easily available for customers. It will be great fun to make new discoveries just by looking around the stores. Why don’t you shop at Daiso? You might become a loyal customer! (Hakata Naoto)

Memories of Australia

By Takuya Tsuchihashi

The most memorable vacation in my life was the summer vacation in my eighth year of junior high school, when I went on a short-term study abroad program in Australia. There are three reasons why I was impressed. It was my first international trip, I learned many things a bout other cultures and it had a major impact on my future. 

 First this was my first overseas trip, as this was my first short-term study abroad program in Australia. I have always been interested in foreign countries as much as in Japan. I have always been very attracted to cultures and atmospheres that I cannot feel in Japan, and I wanted to experience these different cultures for myself. At first I knew nothing about Australia, but I studied a lot before going there to study. I learned that there is a difference between the English you can actually use and the English you are studying. However, I learned for the first time that studying something you love is not hard at all, and can be a lot of fun.

 Second, I learned many things that I could not feel in Japan. In particular, the culture, language, and climate left a strong impression on me. First of all, unlike the Japanese, many Australians are very sociable. When I visited the school, they treated me, a foreigner, as if I were their friend. Later, I found out that this is because Australia is a multicultural country, tolerant of all races, genders, and all other aspects of life. Next, language. The official language of Australia is English, but Australian English has an accent. For example, good morning is called “Good day,” and the pronunciation of the letter “a” is slightly different. I also learned a lot about communicating in English, which I did not learn much in school, and I remember being very happy to be able to gradually communicate my intentions. And the climate. It was winter in Australia when I studied there, but even in winter it was warm enough, just like spring and fall in Japan. On the other hand, when Australian students came to Japan in the winter as exchange students, I remember how they shivered as if they were freezing. These three distinctive differences gave me experiences that I could not have had in Japan, and all things led to new discoveries.

 Third, this study abroad experience had a significant impact on my later life. The first was the student council election held in the fall of that year. I ran for the student council election with the social skills I had learned in Australia and the joy of interacting with many people, and I was elected student body president. Thanks to this, I was able to interact with many people regardless of grade level and made many friends. I also learned the difficulty and responsibility of managing a large organization. Studying in Australia also had an impact on what I wanted to do in the future. I had not had a clear idea of what I wanted to do before, but my interest in Australia was piqued after my study abroad experience, and I decided that I wanted to work in a career that would be international and cross national borders, so I began to think about becoming a pilot. I still haven’t given up on my dream of becoming a pilot, and after graduating from university, I would like to attend an aviation college and eventually work for Qantas Airways in Australia.

For these three reasons, my study abroad experience in Australia when I was in the second year of junior high school was the most memorable experience of my life. I cherish this experience and hope to learn more about Australia and other countries in and I want to work on my English language skills and be able to work in Australia in the future. 

Effects of Studying Abroad on Young People

By Honoka Akazawa

Students are interested in studying abroad these days. They have a various of reasons to studying abroad. For example, people have reasons for studying foreign languages, getting ability to think flexibly, training what you want to learn in the best place, and getting unique experiences. It will help you. However, a lot of Japanese people don’t like foreign languages and Japan is an island country. So Japanese people have little chance to speak foreign languages with foreign people. And some people are interested in studying abroad, but studying abroad needs a lot of money and time. So, they give up it. Still, there many effects of studying abroad on young people.

 Firstly, studying abroad make you intelligent. When you go abroad, you will learn a foreign language and gain knowledge of the destination. You must speak a foreign language all day, so you will get foreign language skills easily in a foreign country. In foreign countries, you touch foreign language more time. Then you have friends there. You will try to study more and more for communicating with them. And your foreign friends can collect your foreign language. By doing this, you can gain a native sense of the foreign language. And you learn about area’s information, you understand more about foreign country’s good points and your home country’s good points. Making foreign country’s friends is good for you in learning.

 Secondly, you can assert yourself well. You may get a lifelong companion during your stay in foreign countries. And you will learn various of communication ways by them. People in Japan and people in foreign countries use different communication ways. In Japan, people are not good at express their feelings, they think modesty is a virtue. However, people in foreign countries are usually assertive, it is just a normal thing for them. Japanese people think modesty is good in Japan, but I think this thinking is dangerous in an increasingly globalized world. So, if you are not assertive, you can’t do it from now on. If you are aware of it, you get the upper hand in socially. Now a lot of companies need capable person who can accept globalization. 

 Thirdly, you get new values. You can feel what you can’t feel in Japan, because foreign countries have different culture from Japanese culture. It may shocking things for you. For example, people in foreign countries have more sense of discrimination than people in Japan. Then people in foreign countries believe in religious, but a lot of Japanese are not non-religious people. What you think it is obvious is changed by going to studying abroad. Sometimes it makes you irritate during your stay in foreign countries, but it removes stereotype, and you can think flexibly. It is very useful ability in society too.
 To summarize, Studying abroad gives you many effects. In conclusion, there are three of effects.

Learning a lot of things that you can’t learn in Japan. Getting skills what express yourself in public. Getting influence from foreign people will broaden your horizons. During studying abroad, a lot of things are happened, and they are opportunities to improve yourself. If you want to get these effects, you should study abroad. 

Fun Things to Do in South Korea

By Nana Hamano

What are fun things to do for students who study abroad? If you go to South Korea, there are a lot of interesting things to do. I would like to introduce three types of entertainment that are great for relieving the stress of study abroad. They are going to cafes, shopping and traveling.

        There are many shops lined up around the university where I am studying abroad. There are many fashionable cafes in South Korea. And there are many bars around the university. So foreign students go with their friends to talk and drink at cafes and bars. Korean students drink alcohol almost every day. Also there are a lot of people hanging around outside. The atmosphere of the college town is different from those in Japan, so if you go to South Korea to study, you will be able to enjoy a different university life from Japan’s.

        If you like South Korea, you can enjoy shopping. South Korea are very concerned with beauty. That’s why Korean cosmetics are attracting worldwide attention. Recently, Korean Cosmetics are very popular in Japan. Fashion is attracting attention as well as cosmetics. Due to the popularity of K-pop, the number of people imitating fashion has increased. If you are in South Korea, you can get cosmetics and clothes cheaper than in Japan. Recommended places for shopping in South Korea are Seoul and Busan. There are many places where you can shop.

          South Korea is smaller than Japan. In other words, it is easier to travel in South Korea than in Japan. In addition, transportation facilities in South Korea are remarkably well developed and transportation costs are very low. Popular domestic travel destinations are Seoul, Busan, and Jeju Island. Foreign students often visit amusement parks. Busan is famous for its sea, so you should go in summer. Jeju Island is a place rich in nature. There is an ocean and mountains. Therefore, playing in the sea in summer and mountain climbing in winter is good.

           There are various kinds of entertainment where you study abroad. Have a good time with friends, shopping, and go on a trip somewhere. If you are going to study abroad in South Korea, why don’t you experience these ways of entertainment?

Effects of Studying Abroad on Students

By Karua Ono

When you say the word “studying abroad” what comes to your mind? Many people might be worried about the cost. In fact, the cost of studying abroad is very expensive and we can study languages by not doing study abroad. Thanks to the Internet, we can communicate with people who live in other countries easily and we can study abroad online at our home country. However, there are many effects of studying abroad on student’s future.

        First, studying abroad to study languages improve our language skill. Of course, it is possible to acquire language skills without studying abroad and we can get language certified by studying ourselves but by going to abroad, we will get used to listening to a foreign language by listening to it all day. Additionally, we can learn basic conversation from talking with native speakers and if there are students who is the same generation, we can learn trendy words. It is impossible to learn trendy words from a language textbook, so study abroad is the best way to acquire trendy words.

        Second, the experience of study abroad become an appealing point when we do job-hunting. I think that there are a few people who have foreign education experience. If you have this experience, you can talk about abilities acquired by studying abroad, something impressive episode, and how good your language skills are. These episodes might be a hot topic when you have an interview at companies. Sometimes, there is a company incentive for people who have an experience of study abroad.
        Third, an

other important effect of studying abroad is we can broaden our knowledge by experienced it. There are many people who have different cultures in foreign country, and it cause you to get a culture shock. I don’t think that having culture shock is but thing because this experience will be good for our personal growth. I have been to Croatia for three weeks and spending time with a local family. Then, I got a culture shock there. Getting a culture shock made me confused and it was difficult to accept a different culture. However, thanks to this experience, I could learn new things I didn’t know before.  

        To summarize, there are many advantages of studying abroad for students. Although the cost of it is expensive, I think it is worth experiencing study abroad. If you are wondering whether to try studying abroad or not, you should try it. 

Ways for Study Abroad Students to Overcome Culture Shock

By Hina Inoue

In today’s globalized world, it became common for students to experience studying abroad. Study abroad is a great opportunity for students to broaden their thinking. However, there are times when students fail to understand cultural differences and they experience culture shock. How can students overcome culture shock in foreign countries?

Culture shock is the feeling of severe anxiety when someone is placed in an environment that is very different from the familiar one. They become impatient because they cannot understand what is happening around them. They also feel alienated and blocked out, which can affect their interpersonal relationships. Culture shock can become stressful and lead to long-term negative feelings. Students who study abroad are exposed to many cultural differences. If their culture shock is too great, they may need to give up studying abroad and leave for their home countries.

The first solution to overcoming culture shock is to accept culture shock as a natural consequence of study abroad. Study abroad students¥ are foreigners, and it is natural to feel uncomfortable with the host culture. Culture shock is a stage in the process of adapting to a new culture. Therefore, there is no need to be overly anxious about culture shock. By doing so, the culture that made you feel uncomfortable in a foreign country will become familiar to you before you know it. Eventually, you will be willing to experience and accept the new culture. It is also important to realize that you do not need to accept all the differences. Everything you see is new and shocking, but you don’t have to agree with them. By recognizing that it is natural to experience culture shock and that you don’t need to like everything about the host culture, the stress will be relieved.

The second way to overcome culture shock is to talk to friends and family. Conversation with family members and friends from the same country will relieve the stress of culture shock. This is because even in the midst of a confusing situation in a different culture, people who share the same culture can be a source of comfort. During study abroad, a place where people can vent these anxieties will become a mental refuge for them. It is reassuring to know someone understands your feeling that you are feeling uncomfortable. Talking honestly about your feelings with family and friends can help change the difficult situation.

Culture shock is part of study abroad. But knowing it is possible to overcome culture shock can help students complete their study abroad programs. They can overcome culture shock by understanding that it is natural to experience culture shock and by sharing the feelings of discomfort with friends. Experiencing new cultures makes people anxious, but they also help people grow. Enjoy coping with different cultures by knowing solutions.

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